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The Attitudes Toward Mental Health

With Current Attitudes Toward Mental Health, Global Elites Win. The NWO Rulers Want Americans in a Precarious State of Health so They Are Weak & Easily Controlled.

The attitudes toward mental health held by the general public are often not based on personal research or experience. America’s understanding of this issue is skewed by so-called professionals.

 The American public tends to rely on mental health professionals to save them from the stresses and problems of today’s society.

They often want to get rid of the anxiety and depression resulting from day-to-day living, and psychiatrists have set themselves up as the experts on mental health.

They’ve even gone so far as defining and labeling each little behavioral reaction in a human being.

With these labels, they then ‘diagnose’ someone with a named ”disease” of the mind.

They then say, ”Here, take this drug,” and the duped American public sighs in relief after they pop their magic pill.

The aggrieved person does not have to worry about solving their own problems any longer.

Their attitudes toward mental health often center around thoughts like “Help has arrived!”

Nevertheless, the side effects of the drugs they are taking will often ultimately prove not to be worth any benefit received, and possible long-term negative effects are also worth considering.

The real problem is that these drugs do not cure anything; they simply mask some of the symptoms. The psychiatric profession even puts disclaimers everywhere.

Look for them in the fine print on the drugs they prescribe that don’t cure any mental problem.

Psychiatrists’ drugs may mask some symptoms, but they also mask other emotions while they play around with your delicate brain chemistry.

Attitudes Toward Mental Health

Rather than believing that the mental health profession has the answer to your problems, you first need to take a closer look.

Ask yourself first, “What is the real motive in producing and selling all these drugs?”

After all, haven’t there been many reports of dire consequences after taking many of the medications that were supposed to help a person?

The manufacture and sales of prescription drugs results in billions of dollars in income for drug manufacturers.

This means large payments for psychiatrists who convince a trusting person that they need years of treatment.

This means kickbacks for the medical profession as they tout these drug ”cures.” Basically, it is a huge profit-making deal for all involved but you.

Attitudes Toward Mental Health: Addicting You

The attitude of mental health doctors is that they help you manage your symptoms. This means that it is easy for them to say that you need to stay on a drug indefinitely.

Also, if a patient feels uncomfortable after lessening their dosage, their mental health professional often fails to tell them that this is simply a withdrawal symptom.

Instead, they say that since the symptoms have increased, the dose needs to be raised!

Furthermore, a drug can get approved as an effective prescription if it beats a placebo in tests, even by a single percentage point.

This allows for a horrible misuse of drugs. Drugs are, after all, poisons. They work on body chemistry to suppress normal and healthy functions.

They often act like the torturous ”cure” of electroshock therapy, but a bit less dramatic.

When someone is diagnosed with depression, bipolar disorder, social anxiety disorder or any other label irresponsibly placed on human behavior, they are heading toward a prescription for drugs such as Prozac, Zoloft, Wellbutrin and others.

These drugs do not handle some presumed chemical imbalance. Just try asking for some proof that they do.

Yes, attitudes toward mental health must change. It is up to the public to become informed and to make the right decisions regarding their health and happiness.

While strong emotions and difficult life situations are not always easy to deal with,  work to adjust your living situation to your benefit; this is usually so much better than letting psychiatrists and their toxic drugs ”adjust you.”

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