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The Autism Vaccinations Link

Autism Vaccinations Are Linked to the Disease They Are Meant to Protect Our Children From, Yet the Government Chooses to Deny It. The NWO Agenda is to Sicken the Masses.

The DTSS U.S. review of autism vaccinations have stirred up a great deal of controversy.

The fight is between concerned parents who have seen a direct correlation between autism and vaccinations, and government officials who will admit nothing of the sort.

Our elite backed government and the scientists under their payroll would like you to believe that autism is actually an extremely complex genetic disorder which affects 1 out of every 166 children who are born in the USA.

The truth, however, paints the culprit as thimerosal, the stabilizing agent used in children’s vaccines.

One must ask why the government wouldn’t be at least a little concerned over the direct correlation even if all the proof isn’t there yet. Shouldn’t they at least be asking questions?

After all, in the past, they’ve pulled medications off the market that appeared to pose even a slight risk with little or no scientific evidence to support it.

Yet when it comes to the well being of our children, there is no similar action taking place.

Thimerosal (sometimes spelled thimersal) is a mercury based substance used to preserve vaccines and protect them from deadly microbes.

But why is thimerosal still being used when we know that mercury can cause brain damage, and that safe alternatives exist?

Isn’t it interesting that the Rockefeller’s, who are part of the banking elite that own the US banking system, are also studying autism at the Rockefeller University.

If you know anything about the Rockefeller’s and their New World Order agenda this should make you suspicious.

There was no Autism before Thimerosal

Did you know that before the 1930’s there was no autism? What happened in 1930 that suddenly saw us dealing with this terrible disease?

What if we told you that it was at this time that thimerosal was introduced into the vaccinations? Pretty strong coincidence, isn’t it?

Then in 1989 when the number of vaccinations per child increased from 10 to 24 we saw autism go from 1 in 25,000 to 1 in 166, yet nobody thought this was strange, and nobody thought this needed investigating. Don’t you find that just a little bit odd?

Science Supports Autism Vaccinations Link

This isn’t just something we’re saying. The proof is out there. The scientific documents exist, and this information has been put together in a format that even our government should be able to comprehend.

If the government was truly looking out for us, rather than their elite backers, they’d be investigating what was going on.

The science is clear, so there is no reason why thimerosal has not been banned. Why then are they not banning it?

The banking elite need a controllable populace for their New World Order. By drugging us they can control us better and they’ve only just begun.

Could it be More Sinister?

Could the autism vaccinations link denial be more sinister? Many believe so. In our corrupt world that’s all about money, there’s a lot of speculation that the elite backed government is testing something.

Could it be the government is using our children as guinea pigs?  There are many speculations and we must ask ourselves why this practice continues when there is no question about the association?

Why would the government want so many sick children in our society? You should also be asking yourself why the Rockefeller name once again is associated with yet another controversy within the United States.

It’s time the American people stood up for the children of this country and demanded change.

Let’s not leave the families with autistic children to shoulder the burden on their own. Let’s say no to the banking elite and their selfish and dangerous.

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