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The Benefit of Organic Food

America is Ignoring The Benefit of Organic Food. Our Fast-Paced Fast-Food Culture is Severely Lacking in Guidance About Nutrition & Health; the NWO Wants Us to be Sick.

There is so much benefit of organic food, yet most people stick to the genetically modified foods on the grocery shelf; synthetic foods are the usual American diet.

Of course, the FDA and USDA are promoting foods that are not organic so that the elite can benefit from it. Buying processed foods in the grocery store only serves to put money back in the pockets of the wealthy and at the same time it is ruining your health.

Organic foods have more antioxidants, vitamins and other essential nutrients than processed foods do.

The Department of Agriculture run by the underground elite have conducted their research and studies and are trying to prove that organic foods do not have any more nutritional value than non organic foods.

They want to disprove the benefit of organic food and how it keeps the body healthy.

There is no documentation to substantiate their studies because it is evident that fertilization only adds more water to the foods that are grown making them less nutritious for the body.

There is a conspiracy against the American people and because every one is so laid back and opting for the easy way to eat, the elite planner takes advantage of it.

America is a nation of fast foods, processed foods, tasty foods and easily prepared foods so that is why you see the TV dinners and fast food restaurants packed with people who are killing themselves slowly.

However, the elite planner loves this because they seek to benefit from the need for Americans to have their meals faster so they create the TV dinners and put up restaurants and fast food chains at every street corner to make it easier for us to get this food.

America Getting Sicker

Never in the history of mankind has there ever been such a high epidemic like cancer. Young people and even babies are dying of cancer partly because of the foods that are eaten.

Eating organic foods gives the body antioxidants to fight the disease of cancer. Processed foods and foods with pesticides and fertilizers will only make the cancer cells grow more rapidly.

Americans are getting sicker by the minute and are ignoring the benefit of organic food.

The elite group does not want the word to get out that organic food is better than conventional food because that would be too much financial loss for them.

Instead they promote all kinds of foods on the television because this is their medium to reach the American public.

During a television commercial, you will see the ads about tasty pizzas, the newest additions to the fast food menu, and the announcement of a new restaurant that you need to check out.

The Restaurant Menu

Eating food prepared by a restaurant should be an occasional treat because nothing is better than preparing food at home where you know exactly what ingredients are used in it.

The elite group wants to keep you in the dark because if you eat at these restaurants, you won’t know what they put in the food or if there are any benefit of organic food involved in the preparation.

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