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The Bohemian Grove Club and the Global Elite, What’s the Connection?

Who Belongs to the Bohemian Grove Club?

The Bohemian Grove is a private campground on a large piece of land outside of San Francisco that is only used for meetings of the Bohemian Club.

The grounds are made up of 160 acres of old growth California Redwood forest. The land nearby is systematically being clear-cut by the club, who says that it is doing so for the purpose of protecting the grounds from wildfires.

It’s not a coincidence that the companies hired to do the cutting are owned by global elite families that belong to the club. The Bohemian Club is made up of the most influential politicians, businessmen, media professionals, and finance gurus in the world.

All of the well known global elite families have memberships in the Bohemian Club and attend at least of one the Bohemian Grove Club festivals that are held every year.

The Bohemian Grove can be used by members to conduct private business meetings or hold retreats at any time during the year but there is one particular annual Bohemian Grove event that almost every Bohemian Club member attends every year, the midsummer encampment.

During this two week festival close to 3,000 members and their guests will converge at the Bohemian Grove campground and spend two weeks in complete privacy and luxury with personal valets, gourmet chefs, spa treatments, and other pampering services.

They also use that time to engage in secret rituals that have been said to have occult overtones and to indulge in the kind of debauchery that is usually only found in books.

Women are not allowed at the midsummer encampment, and are usually not allowed in the Bohemian Grove Club at all although women can be present on the grounds during daylight hours if they stay in carefully restricted areas.

In the mid 20th century the club was sued for discrimination because it didn’t allow women, but ultimately the Supreme Court upheld the right of the club to deny membership to women because it was a private club.

It’s worth noting that some of the judges on the Court at that time were members of the Bohemian Club.

Who Started the Bohemian Club?

The Bohemian Grove Club was originally started by a bunch of media professionals, reporters, and photographers as a place to get away from their hectic lives and stress.

It was quickly taken over by the global elite families who owned the media outlets that these media professionals worked for. Now the media isn’t allowed anywhere near the Bohemian Grove Club.

Security is especially tight during the annual midsummer encampment when the members don’t want any of the details of their rituals and services leaked out to the public.

Many reporters and amateur investigators who have been caught trying to sneak onto the grounds to get secret footage have wild tales of what they have seen but no documentary evidence.

Some evidence has been gathered by former employees, but the eyewitness accounts contain more shocking descriptions of what goes on at the encampments than the video footage does.

The Members of the Bohemian Club

Without any press being allowed inside or close enough to get any footage of what goes on the global elite, politicians, and other members have the chance to plot world events and create new policies in complete privacy.

And even though the club is set up for fun there is a lot of business that gets done as well.

The club’s own history brags that the breakthrough of the Manhattan Project which led to the creation of the atomic bomb occurred at the Bohemian Grove.

Every Republican President since the 1920s has attended at least one of the midsummer encampments and many Democrats have as well.

The most famous and influential names in the world can be found on the membership list of the Bohemian Club.

Military contractors, politicians of all stripes, world leaders, banking industry heads, corporate moguls, and many other members of the global elite are regular attendees of the annual Bohemian Grove Club festivals.

Why it’s Important

The events that go on at the Bohemian Grove have just as much impact on the world as the events that take place at more business oriented gatherings like the Bilderberg meetings.

Just because these events are more booze-soaked than the others doesn’t make them any less dangerous.

Under the guise of two weeks of lazy partying there are decisions being made that will impact the lives of ordinary citizens who are the ones that in the end will be carrying out the policies created at the Bohemian Grove.

If meetings like the Bilderberg group meetings make up the business part of the global elite the Bohemian Grove events are the religious part, where occult rituals are used to cement alliances and remind the global elite of the New World Order they are creating.

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