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The Classified National Security Authority

The National Security Authority Has the Ability to Data Mine Around the World.

The National Security Authority collects every single piece of data that is typed or spoken and then stores it in a massive database, where it is sorted for relevance, and action.

It gives the saying big brother is watching an entirely new meaning.

Big brother is taking direction from the banking mafia and the Illuminati.

There is a movement going on and it’s time we all realized just what’s happening.

The New World Order is the end game and we are getting way too close for comfort.

If you don’t believe this is happening a quick search on the internet will confirm it

Two of the National Security Authority intercept operators came forward to confirm that that all conversations via telephone and cell phone are being recorded.

Americans are being spied on with their instant messaging, emails, and even when they are surfing the web.

You are under surveillance when you are on the street, riding transit, and just about anywhere else, you can think of.

These NSA agents turned whistle blower have put their lives on the line. 

The only reason they are still alive is that they were quick enough to let everything out they knew and now pose no further threat, although you can believe their lives will not be easy.

Still not Convinced?

Have you noticed that main stream media is talking more and more about the New World Order? Listen to them telling you how wonderful it will be.

A stable economy, only one currency around the world, and the droll goes on. It’s all lies!

The banking mafia owns these media outlets and the objective is to desensitize us and make it sound like a positive thing.

They want us to believe that what they are offering is better than what we have and they are using mind control through the television to plant those ideas.

The next level of control is to follow soon.

What Can We Expect?

When the next disaster like 911 happens, the National Security Authority will begin to round us up, and place us in the camps they have been building around the U.S. for the past decade.

These massive camps are not to keep you safe. They are to kill you.It’s okay if you don’t believe what you are reading, but we urge you to follow up on it and find out exactly what is going on.

It’s frightening but the facts are there and we must begin to face what our government is up to with the banking mafia and the Illuminati.

These camps are the equivalent of the concentration camps during Hitler’s day. They are built so that they can easily gas thousands of people at once.

They are not to protect you. 911 was a planned attack that took away our rights, the next disaster will take away our lives.

What Can We Do?

The powerful National Security Authority have their instructions from the criminal banking cabal that rules and the 13 families of the Illuminati.

That said, it’s not too late to act and gain back our country. Our forefathers fought and died for America, and our Constitution.

Are you going to sit back and let a small group of greedy criminals take over America and the world?

There is time to group and act. Get educated on what’s going on and then decide what your next move will be.

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