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The Democracy in Ancient Rome Turned into Tyranny

Will the Democracy in Ancient Rome be America’s Democracy That Leads to Tyranny?

According to historians the democracy in Ancient Rome began around the year 449BC and ended in the year 133BC.

The word democracy comes from the Greek and means the rule of the individuals or by the people and for the people (in this case citizens).

Though this sounds great and as though ALL people were involved this was not the case as many were not allowed to have any say or vote in what was happening in the government.

Only certain individuals were allowed to vote such as the rich and noble in the beginning as the poor were not allowed much of any type of authority or say until later years.

Women and people who were not originally from Rome or the city did not have a say or vote.

Ancient Romans were not comfortable letting just one person rule they decided they would divide the power among certain groups and it was at this time that the Senate was formed.

Before this, the kings were actually doing a good job for the poor people but it was the rich that wanted more power and control.

But the rich had to think of a way to get the poor people on their side to help take over the way of ruling and this was done by making promises to gain the power.

The Fall of America

Unkept Promises

Democracy in ancient Rome was accomplished by making false promises to the poorer classes of people which were not kept after the rich achieved what they had set out to do or accomplish..

The poor people were promised that if they helped over throw the kin then they would have a say in what happens with the government and laws and that they would be helped more and able to make decisions that would affect them.

But this did not go as promise after the overthrow of the king, the rich had other plans in mind and it did not involve any other class but their own.

Instead of having more say Romans decided or voted to choose leaders and that these leaders would have the say or last word for the others including the poor people.

The Rich Still Reign

The poor people not having much of say continued for years and they were finally heard and allowed to have tribunes.

Tribunes were chosen people or delegates that were allowed to vote or veto at the meetings of the Senate.

The tribunes also pushed to have the laws written down and placed in the town squares so that the poor people were kept up to date as to what was going on with the government.

Though at this time not many of the poor were able to read the notices named the Twelve Tables but this was done for their protection.

The tribunes did this so that lawmakers could not lie as they has already done and say something was a law that was actually not.

Democracy Versus Republic

Democracy in Ancient Rome was never a “true democracy”. It was a system that was surely controlled by the rich and noble.

In a democracy all the people have an equal say not just the rich. In Rome the rich had the first say on what was happening in government and then only with time did the poor have some say.

In a Republic the people do have a say but it also has to coincide with constitutional law and this can override the views and desires of the people and also has a head of state that has the last word on what is going to be decided.

In a democracy it is we the people, for the people and by the people. The citizens are in full control in a true democracy not the rich and powerful who are elected by making false promises.

Democracy and republic or two very different types of government but down through history have been altered so that there is a very fine line between the two.

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