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The Echelon Spy System in Action

Today’s Echelon Spy System Will Have us Tracked, Monitored And Enslaved for the NWO. Science is Being Twisted Today by Elite Rulers Bent on Haunting Our Every Step.

We have the Echelon spy system above us and around us on all sides.

This surveillance is led by the National Security Agency and they eavesdrop in every corner.

They track and analyze our internet usage, our faxes, phone calls we make and the emails we send.

Apparently in the name of security of our nation, Echelon goes way beyond what is necessary.

The Program

They aren’t putting their attention to foreign terrorists or known regions of occupation as much as they have their attention right here at home.

They can listen in on anyone, anywhere and at anytime.

Like a big scoop, Echelon sweeps up all the data moving across our communication lines and sends it through their filter.

They can pick out key words that they think mean we are troublesome. If someone says, “He got mad and blew up”, this could tag that person as a threat.

What is Echelon? It’s basically a signals intelligence collection system. It’s capable of intercepting and inspecting all data traffic around the globe.

No one is exempt. No one is safe. But the most sobering thought of all is how it is a gross violation of our right to privacy. Of course, that’s the first thing they attack.

Echelon Spy System

What would be the scenario of a police state? It would be one where “authorities” could obtain your personal records or effects with no probable cause.

They could listen in on your conversations at any time. They could come into your home and search it. Perhaps it sounds a lot like science fiction, but it’s in the works.

When you have a global spying network listening in and monitoring any communications with no warrant, reading emails or collecting your information, you have a tyranny. You have a police state where no man can be truly free.

In the guise of looking for international crime, the headquarters of the NSA in Maryland links directly to all other bases around the world. Britain’s GCHQ is included.

Powerful computers are used that are capable of voice recognition. And Big Brother is at work in our backyard, ready to oppress mankind.

As a most sophisticated technology, guess who pays for the fancy equipment to do this spying on us? Why the taxpayers, of course. We didn’t have a vote on it.

We didn’t get to give our input. And when things happen behind our backs, we often find the perpetrators were up to no good. There’s no good when it violates human rights.

The Echelon spy system carries on, despite protests. There’s nothing we can do. Or is there?

If you have ever heard that the truth can set you free, then perhaps this phrase will come to mind.

You can only join forces with others who want to do away with the potential harms that will come from indiscriminate use of Echelon.

Speak Out

Protest against the use of the Echelon spy system, at least without strict regulations as to whose communications are intercepted.

If the NSA has gone through proper authorities to investigate a known criminal, more power to them.

But Americans have rights and we must insist they are maintained and strengthened.

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