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The Elite Planners are Conspiring Against where to Buy Organic Food

Find Out Where to Buy Organic Food And Stay Healthy.

Americans want to know where to buy organic food, but that information is being hidden from them due to the desire of the elite group to keep it from them.

Monsanto is the enemy to organic food and is an avid supporter of Consumer Alert, which is an anti-environmental group that has represented its group as being a crusader for the truth about science.

This group is part of the membership of the elite planners and although, it poses itself as being a nonpartisan organization, proof exist that it is all created for the business of promoting GM foods and denouncing any environmental issues such as global warming and organic foods.

Monsanto is the biggest produce of GM foods that are contaminated with pesticides and synthetic fertilizers so promoting organic foods is the last thing on their agenda.

Another alarming fact is that the agricultural business is being set for a hostile take over by the Monsanto elite group who want to control the organic food business for themselves so that they can limit access to it by the American people.

Americans are searching for the best places of where to buy organic food, while the elite group of wealthy individuals are banding together to keep it out of the homes of Americans so that they can become more unhealthy.

The Monsanto group is not being challenged because it will take money to go up against them, but if the American people come together in unity and storm the steps of Congress, the truth will come out and a lot of lawmakers and lobbyist will confess the truth.

What They Don’t Want You to Know

Of course, the elite group of Monsanto Corporation does not want the American public to know the benefits and nutritional value of eating healthy.

They would rather American eat their contaminated GM foods and get sicker by the minute.

This big corporation is only interested in selling more to fatten their wallets. They don’t care about keeping people healthy.

The pharmaceutical drug companies are also members of the elite group and so giving information about where to buy organic food would be the last piece of information that they would divulge.

Instead, they would prefer to have Americans get sick enough to be forced into the doctor’s office and receive their prescribed drugs.

The elite group don’t want you to eat organic because then you would be too healthy and their plan would be defeated.

The Plan of a Ban

Monsanto is proposing a ban on organic foods because it is interfering with their profits of promoting contaminated GM foods.

The legislative bill HR 875 wants to eliminate the use of organic foods.

People who see the health benefits of these foods want to know where to buy organic food, but instead have to be trying to ward off the money hungry elite group from taking away their constitutional rights.

The main lobbyist for this bill is the Monsanto Corporation because they have so much at stake financially in having this bill passed. Americans need to act fast.

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