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The Federal Reserve Problem is Corruption

Our Federal Reserve Problem is That it is Run by the Elite. We Can End the Fed and Build a Real Economy Based on the Vast Resources America Has Available.

The mayhem in the world can usually be blamed on the Federal Reserve problem because it is run by the most corrupt individuals the world has ever known.

The elite would like for you to believe the Federal Reserve is there to protect your interests.

The reason they would like for you to believe this is because most people would be suspicious of private citizens running the most influential bank in the world.

The fact is, the elite have used their status in the banking system in order to control commerce in the nation and in most of the world.

They have also been able to use their position to control all important decisions made by the government in order to protect their interests.

The elite have been putting pawns into the White House and Congress for decades now.

The owners of the Federal Reserve lend money to the government with interest and it is the responsibility of the US taxpayer to pay it back.

They have the ability to create as much or as little money as they decide is appropriate for their latest plan.

They make money off the interest they charge on the loans they make to the government.

This means the taxes you are paying every year are being used to pay the elite so they can gain more control over you and the world.

The reason why the elite are able to create as much money as they want is because they are responsible to no one.

They have never been audited publicly and are a private corporation.

Our dollar is a fiat currency which means the only value it has is the value the public places on it. The public believes it has value because they have been told so.

This is the reason why children are no longer taught about the gold standard that was used a few decades ago to back up the currency.

If people actually understood that the money they use in order to pay for the goods and services in their lives has no value, there would be panic.

This is a Federal Reserve problem the elite have been controlling by brainwashing people about the money they issue.

Global Banking

Using the European Union (EU) as a model, the elite have been trying to create more unions in the rest of the world.

They are inspired by the fact that the Euro is held and created by the European Bank rather than by individual banks in different countries.

They would like to use the Federal Reserve problem in order to destroy the current system in favor of a global system that would give them even greater control.

They would love to create a global banking system that would have a global currency for their New World Order.

Truth is Out of Style

The Federal Reserve problem has been hidden from the general public because the elite believe that what you don’t know won’t hurt you.

They really do believe they will succeed with their totalitarian government and New World Order.

They don’t mind lying because the only people actually getting hurt are people they do not believe belong in society anyway.

If they had their way, they would be able to decide who gets to live and who must die and they would have less diversity in the world. 

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