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The History of the Federal Reserve

The True History of the Federal Reserve is Not Taught in Public Schools Because it Would Expose the Banking Elite Who Illegally Took Control of Our Money System.

The elite have always controlled the information you receive and the history of the Federal Reserve is no exception.

The elite would like for you to believe the Federal Reserve was created by the government because it was something we the people needed.

In fact, there have been many different presidents that have spoken out about the dangers of creating a central bank.

Some of the presidents that tried to stop the creation of a central bank, or tried to dismantle the Federal Reserve, paid for their actions with their lives.

Lincoln’s assassination has always been explained away as a result of his involvement in abolishing slavery.

The elite have made sure that every history book in American public schools teaches that Booth was a member of a society that was trying to protect their right to own slaves.

The fact is that Lincoln was also against the formation of a central bank and had vowed to not let such a system be created.

After killing him, the elite were able to go on and kill Booth and cover up the real reason why the assassination occurred.

The assassination of Lincoln also drove home the idea that the civil war really was fought over slavery and was not about maintaining power and stability in the union.

Lincoln was not the only president that was killed for his opposition to the idea of a central bank.

President Garfield was also killed in order to protect the bank.

Garfield had used talk about dismantling the then central bank as part of the main platform that got him elected to the presidency.

When he was elected president, the elite tried to convince him to change his mind about taking action against the bank.

President Garfield refused and had actually signed a bill that would start the process to dismantle the bank when he was killed.

His successor immediately took action to remedy the process and restore the bank to it’s full power over the banking system.

These deaths in the history of central banking and the Federal Reserve are why the elite try to make sure the president will act on their behalf.

The Kennedy Problem

The elite thought they had seen the last of their problems in the history of the Federal Reserve when Kennedy took office.

They counted on the fact that he was a member of one of the elite families to mean that he was trustworthy.

They were disappointed to find out that he had designs on dismantling the Federal Reserve System.

Wanting to protect their interests, they pleaded with him to reconsider.

When they were unsuccessful, they were forced to kill him the day before he would sign the bill to take the elite’s power away.

The Future of the Reserve

The history of the Federal Reserve has been leading up to what they plan for the future.

They have spent an enormous amount of time protecting the system in order to gain as much control as possible. They feel, however, that they have reached their ceiling.

In order to be able to move forward, they need to destroy the old system.

They will now form a new system that will allow them to create a central world bank that will control the common currency to be used throughout the world.

This will then segue way into their New World Order.

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