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The Implanted VeriChip for Purchasing Groceries will Give the Government Control

The Implanted VeriChip For Purchasing Groceries Will Mean Life and Death For People. 

The implanted VeriChip for purchasing groceries is the latest in a long line of dangerous plans by the government, the elite, and corporate America, and this is a plan that will allow the government to have full and complete control, both financially and socially, of all of the people in the country. 

The way this chip will work is all people will be implanted with a chip beneath their skin, and that chip will have their credit card and bank account information on it, meaning when they needed to purchase something their chip would be read and the money would be deducted through the chip. 

There would no longer be a need for cash, as everyone will be wearing all of their financial information with them wherever they go. 

If that sounds like something that would make your life easier, consider the fact that the government and the elite would be in control of your chip, and if you were not a compliant citizen of the United States, or the New World Order, they would simply turn your chip off. 

If your implanted VeriChip for purchasing groceries was turned off, you would not be able to buy groceries, which means you would not be able to eat. 

The government would use their newfound power to turn the chips off of the dissenters in order to get them to either stop dissenting or starve to death. 

Those who chose to follow the government would get to eat, but they would be tracked and they would no longer have any privacy rights at all, meaning their lives as they had been in the past would be completely destroyed. 

If this sounds like a bad science fiction movie, it is time to wake up and realize this is happening right now, and people are getting implanted. 

The implanted VeriChip for purchasing groceries is about to be a reality, and unless people fight against this and realize what it really is, the United States of America will become a completely micro chipped society.

Total Control

The idea behind the implanted VeriChip for purchasing groceries is to gain the complete and total control of every human being.

The elite feels they should have the common man working for them and they should be in complete control. 

The elite looks at people as slaves, and they cannot adequately enslave the people until they take away all of their rights.

Thus, they are working little by little to take the rights away of the people so nothing will be left. 

Forced Implantation

Some states are making laws against forced implantation. However, the laws are going to do very little to actually stop the forced implantation from happening.

Most implantations are forced or coerced, but people are led to believe they are doing it on their own volition.

People are put in situations where they have no choice but to receive the implants, and yet the law states they do have the choice.

Soon, there will be no choices left in the world as the elite will have total control.

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