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The New Zionist Movement

A Zionist Movement Towards Anti-Zionism is Happening. Fighting the New World Order Elite Who Want Instability in the Middle East Has Become a Priority for Some.

Admittedly, the above statement is an attention ploy since obviously a Zionist cannot be an anti-Zionist, opposing himself. It does drive a specific point home, however.

Zionists are not, by definition, Jews as there are many different types of Zionists.

There are plenty of Christian Zionists and there are plenty of Jews who oppose Zionism.

What the statement made at the top of this article does do is point out the fact that the Zionists are losing political capital and support from the younger generation Jews.

Although most fundamentalist Jews have been against Zionism since Israel was created, usually because they see it as an affront to the teachings of the Torah, this new wave of anti-Zionists are not traditionalists.

They (rightly) point out that the old arguments for Israeli policies and brutality no longer justify the nation’s acts, which are invariably associated as being done in the name of Jews worldwide.

Examples such as the Syrian occupation of Lebanon, the genocides in the Congo, the British attempts to quell the Irish, the French in Algiers, etc. are all used as justifications for the actions of Israel in Palestine.

The problem is that either the examples are old, “last century” ones or are seen as irrelevant to today’s times, their being a product of older, less enlightened action.

Other inaccuracies in these comparisons are also apparent. Lebanon never had “checkpoints” or huge walls and fences segregating one group from another, for instance.

On the other hand, plenty of examples can be cited that compare the policies of Israel to the brutal and racist policies of the former slave holding America, the Nazi occupations, the brutal warfare in Africa, and worse.

Zionist Movement Crumbles

For this reason, the younger generation of Jews are not, apparently, becoming Zionists.

Further, none of those instances used to justify Zionism received massive aid from the United States to promote their agendas, whereas Israel receives $6 billion a year (or more).

In addition, the racial arguments are irrelevant to modern Jews, who see themselves as largely integrated into the societies they’ve joined.

American Jews, while proud of their heritage, consider themselves Americans.

While united in culture, the Jews of America are very different in many ways than those in Russia, South America, Asia, or Israel.

Further, it is seen as increasingly unlikely that a Jew can be anti-Semitic, so Jews who oppose Zionism must be doing so for a reason other than “self-hating.”

The New Anti-Zionist Movement

The new movement against Zionism moves towards finding reconciliation and peace in the Middle East. It rejects the continual warfare promoted by Israeli politics as an “all or nothing” solution to the problem.

The old line Zionists are finding themselves more and more alone in their push for Israeli domination rather than cooperation. Support for America’s unwavering political and financial cronyism to Israel is also fading quickly.

Zionist Movement Dies

The question that must be asked is in two parts. will Israel come around to understanding and accepting this new anti-Zionist movement and will the world Elites allow that to happen?

In the overall world domination schema of the Elites (aka the Banksters, New World Order, etc.), the domination of Israel in the Middle East and the continual shakeup and warfare in the region because of this is seen as of benefit to their overall plan.

It gave them the excuse to invade Iraq (twice), the excuse to send weapons to Israel, and the excuse to politically and financially dominate the region without question.

So are the power Elite planning to allow this new anti-Zionist movement to continue and for Israel’s influence to fade? Or will they be stepping in to shake things up and create a new justification for Zionism?

Keep your eyes on Iran. That is likely where their next move in this regard will center.

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