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The Obama Stance on the Second Amendment

The Post Election Obama Stance on the Second Amendment Changed After the Election. 

During a run for elected office candidates are known for saying whatever it takes in order to get elected; either that or be so vague in their opinions that no one can really say what their actual stance is.

While Obama has stated a loose support of the second amendment, a look at his history votes, affiliations, positions has shown contrasts to the rights within the second amendment.

Obama has spoken out in favor of the Clinton Gun Ban, a horrible failure of legislation, being renewed.

He has supported a dramatic increase of up to 500% in the excise tax on guns and ammunition.

He supported an Illinois bill that would have banned assault weapons and many other types of guns as well.

He has opposed the right to carry guns and the ability for persons under the age of 21 and at least 18 to own a firearm.

In regard to the Obama stance on the second amendment and the judiciary, Obama has spoken out against or voted against Alito, Roberts, Thomas, and Scalia all supporters of an individual’s right to bear arms.

Many of the issues which are considered important to second amendment supporters are ones which Obama has spoken out against.

The Bill of Rights was created in order to protect the individual rights of the people; the second amendment, one of those individual rights being the right of the people to arm themselves against those that want to hurt them.

If the Obama stance on the second amendment is to become law then who knows what may become of that right.

Holder’s Appointment

Doubt began to center on the Obama stance on the second amendment with his nomination and appointment of Eric Holder for Attorney General.

In a brief Holder wrote to the Supreme Court on the second amendment his stance on it was clearly against the right.

“…the Second Amendment did not protect an individual right to keep and bear arms, that it only protected government militias’ rights to guns…”

It does not get much clearer than that!

Obama and Gun Rights

The Obama stance on the second amendment is definitely one of concern.

Numerous times he voted against allowing a person to use a firearm in defense of their home and family.

Of all the rights, it would seem that might be one to allow!

However, in Obama’s world, the criminal can break into your home and threaten the life of your family and you cannot do a thing about it.

Is he anti-second amendment or pro-criminal? Either way it does not bode well for honest, law abiding Americans.

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