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The Vatican and Knights of Malta

The Vatican and Knights of Malta Are Linked as a Governmental Entity. Secret Societies Have Long Been a Hiding Place of the Dark Elite Rulers Who Control the World.

The Vatican and Knights of Malta share a long history of government and military that goes back to the times of the New Testament when Rome ruled, Christianity was a young concept of religion and the need for protection against invasion and enslavement was a daily reality.

As religious rite was the early government of the people, it was thought that when a land was conquered, it was best to eliminate all opposition to the religious and governmental beliefs of the incoming regime.

The Knights of Malta had two predecessor organizations and actually began as a military order back in the days preceding the crusades as the Hospitallers of Jerusalem, and is still known to exist today in some form.

From the period 1309 until 1522, the organization was known as the Knights of Rhodes and took on the name Knights of Malta in 1530, with a sister organization called the Knights of Templar which is also associated with the Roman Catholic church of the day.

The Hospitallers named St. John the Baptist as their patron saint and were, in addition to a military organization, an organization which provided hospice services and gave shelter to religious travelers of the day who came to the city for pilgrimage.

The original hospitals were established primarily to care for pilgrims and the order placed much emphasis on community duty to care for the poor, sick, elderly and disabled who could not care for themselves, although they had a strong military order also.

The Vatican and Knights of Malta are historically linked, as for a time original orders were under the immediate jurisdiction of the pope; they were a sort of religious hospital, monastery and military organization which stressed service to the sick and poor and defense of the kingdom.

The Knights were the cavalry of medieval times, with a duty to protect the hospital and the community from invasion by conquerors, and were formed by a social and religious bond that has had a great amount of influence on the history of religion and government.

Religion and Government

It is almost as though religion and government have both been closely associated, yet in opposition to each other, since ancient times, as the church was associated with the armies but also had great humanitarian effort in the community and promoted civilized warfare.

Just those two words used together are in direct contradiction to one another, civilized warfare; it is difficult to fathom how one can murder and destroy in a civilized manner, thus making the two incompatible when used in the same context to imply compassionate killing.

Medieval Times

The history of chivalry, and the social link between the church and the military during the times before and after the crusades, indicates the transition the church has taken since, as now government is a separate institution and religion is used mainly for spiritual teaching and worship.

The historical connection between the Vatican and Knights of Malta is linked through necessity to defend the community, a deep tradition of religious values, a moral and noble duty to serve and protect, and was the basis for the establishment of government and military today.

Despite this ideal objective, secret societies like the Knights of Malta, Knights Templar and Freemasons, are well known to be populated by the most powerful members of society who wield influence over governments using their fraternal rank and status.

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