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The Vatican New World Order Role

A Vatican New World Order Role is Defined Here. The Mighty Catholic Church Appears as a Holy Organization but in Truth it is Deep Into NWO Power and Control Agendas.

The Vatican New World Order role could not help but be significant, as the Vatican is the supreme worldwide religious order known to all, and has been around since ancient times as a symbol of divinity, knowledge, wisdom, power, authority, government and piety.

Many of the wars of the past centuries can be directly attributed to religious quarrels and division among societies toward religious practice, and the church’s attempt to maintain lasting and eternal power over the people as a governmental body of society.

The Vatican stands for the ultimate religious sanctity and there is hardly ever a worldwide issue of importance that is not commented on by the Pope.

In ancient times, religion and government were one and the same, there was no separation; one spoke in the capacity of the other and religious belief was above all else the most important law of the land, which also served as the government of the people to establish community unity and common connection.

Since government itself has its base in religious power, rite and ritual, to think that the Vatican would play a less than paramount role in the development and power structure of the New World Order would be like leaving the yeast out of bread and expecting it to rise.

The Vatican New World Order role is that of the most powerful religious state in the world, as has been the case throughout history, and has been defined by the manipulation and control of information released for public knowledge and the censorship of activities since ancient times.

The condemning religious force that caused many rebellions to begin with will be the main power that subdues them and forces them back into submission under the one world government and religious order, only this time they are not openly engaging in censorship, they are calling it government control instead of religious censorship.

The two are so intertwined throughout history, whatever made America think that the church and state could be separated, must have been a huge misunderstanding about the origins of government itself, when it is based and has its roots in religion.

The Two Beasts

Just because you take the word ‘God’ out of the equation, does not mean that the same prejudice, judgmental and condemning power is not still the power in control and making the decisions, it just means they are using a different approach.

Religion has simply taken a new form over the last 200 to 300 years that has created a public perception that religious values are not the ruling authority, but the same power has simply taken root under the name of government rather than religion.

Vatican New World Order Role Defined

More people these days claim to be atheist and not to believe in God at all, which to a great extent stems from past religious misunderstanding and conflict where people have rebelled against oppressive religions that bring nothing but guilt and condemnation.

The world stand on religion will determine the Vatican New World Order role to a certain extent, as the rebellion against religion in general has determined the course of politics in American society to a certain extent as history has developed.

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