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There are Many Genetically Modified Food Arguments

Should we Believe Genetically Modified Food Arguments?

Genetically Modified food is very scary for most people, most people simply don’t want to mess with things that they don’t understand. 

There are many Genetically modified food arguments, although we are led to believe that we need genetically modified food that’s just not true. 

The elite want us to use GM crops for one reason, because they profit from them. 

The only real reason for anyone wanting to use genetically modified food is because it generates huge profits for companies. 

That’s why the authorities dumb down any genetically modified food arguments so that the technology is attractive as possible.

Monsanto was initially a chemistry company that produced a number of controversial products. 

Bovine Growth Hormone and Agent Orange are all old Monsanto products.

Monsanto was then restructured as an agricultural company to help farmers produce high quality crops without damaging the environment. 

The elite use our love of the environment as a reason why they need to consider using Monsanto products. 

The reason the elite like the idea of producing GM crops is because they can collect royalties and regulate the supply of them. 

This means that they ultimately control the food supply which is much more powerful than any weapon. 

Monsanto’s most popular product is Roundup, this is a herbicide and has been the most popular herbicide over the past three decades. 

Monsanto has a genetically modified seeds which are resistant to the roundup herbicide, this means that the herbicide will kill weeds while leaving plants unaffected.


Monsanto’s past reputation was never very good, it was responsible for creating a number of chemicals and products that were in widespread use until they were found to be dangerous. 

The problem is that Monsanto knew that these products were dangerous for decades without telling anyone. How can this company be trusted with our food? 

There is proof that they knew about the poisonous effects of PCB’s and similar chemicals for many years because of leaked confidential reports. 


One of the biggest genetically modified food arguments is that the regulation isn’t anywhere near as safe enough.

Genetically modified crops are treated like any other crops and regulated like crops which are produced using selective breeding. 

The FDA did not bother to create a new category and they said that they were no different to normal crops.

This means that they were seen as being safe. If you wanted to add food colorings then you would have to jump through all sorts of hoops.

However Monsanto somehow managed to get around this very easily. 

Genetically Modified Food

People are starting to rely on genetically modified food which means that they have to pay royalties every time they grow crops to Monsanto and similar companies.

These crops are actually driving the world deeper into poverty rather than saving it like they think. 

Genetically modified food might be seen as a huge leap forward, however really it’s causing much more harm than good to our world.

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