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Time to Rise Against Usury

Time to Rise Against Usury

Those Enduring Usury Have Had but a Small Voice Until Now. Corrupt Banker-Owned Media Sharks Have Successfully Trained Americans to Pay Exorbitant Interest on Loans.

The purpose of this article is to simply present ideas supporting those who are against usury.

There was a time in history when charging interest was considered an offense equal to murdering someone. Bankers conspire to plunder America’s wallet.

Today, through the propaganda used by the all-powerful international banking cabal, people have been convinced that it’s just fine to be turned into slaves to those issuing money and debt.

This is not OK, and it’s time the people of the world wake up to the truth regarding the Federal Reserve, Bank of England, International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank.

Until usury is taken away from the banksters and their box of tricks, most people on planet Earth will continue to see their standard of living decline.

We will continue to see the dollar dissolve into nothing. We will continue to see jobs leave America. We will continue to see banks take away our property.

“A money-lender. He serves you in the present tense; he lends you in the conditional mood; keeps you in the subjunctive; and ruins you in the future!”

– Joseph Addison

“Usury dulls and damps all industries, improvements, and new inventions, wherein money would be stirring if it were not for this slug.”

– Francis Bacon

Against Usury: 16th Century Rise of Banksters

During the 16th century, the use of usury against the people was brought more into the light.

“The gold traders began practicing economic fraud to become even more powerful.

”They lent secretly part of the gold that had been deposited by them and kept the interest they made on such illegal loans.

”The gold traders then issued more receipts (bank notes) of gold deposits than they had gold.

”And in turn, they lent these notes and charged interest on them. 

“Far more money was thus lent than what the creditor had cover for.

”Soon these money crooks lent as much as up to ten times more than they had gold deposited.

“This breach of trust has become common in all areas in the world of the Freemasons.

”The American banks have the right to lend ten times more money than they actually have.

”This means that their interest actually is close to 80 per cent and not 8 per cent, which is officially claimed. 

“The Masonic bankers create money out of nothing and force us to pay interest thereon.”

– Source: Architects of Deception: Secret History of Freemasonry, by Juri Lina

Today, the banks are allowed to lend over 30 times (as far as we can tell) more money than they actually have on deposit!

Against Usury: Relevant Quotes

“The synonym of usury is ruin.”

– Samuel Johnson

“Already they have raised up a money aristocracy. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people to whom it properly belongs.”

– Thomas Jefferson, 1816 letter to John Taylor 

“Extra interest signifies extra risk.”

– Duke of Wellington, Arthur Wellesley 

“Our whole banking system I ever abhorred, I continue to Abhor and I shall die abhorring.

”Every bank of discount, every bank by which interest is to be paid or profit of any kind made by the [lender], is downright corruption.

”It is taxation for the public for the benefit and profit of individuals.”

– John Adams, 1811 

“He was a man
Versed in the world as pilot in his compass; 
The needle pointed ever to that interest
Which was his loadstar; and he spread his sails
With vantage to the gale of others’ passions.”

– Ben Jonson 

“Usury is the land-shark and devil-fish of commerce.”

– James Lendall Basford 

“(A central bank) is a curse to a republic; inasmuch as it is calculated to raise around the administration a moneyed aristoctracy dangerous to the liberties of the country.”

– Andrew Jackson

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