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U.S. Federal Reserve System Run by Elite

The US Federal Reserve System Profits From us Because it is a Private Bank Owned by the Same Global Elite Who Own the Media and the Multinational Companies.

The elite have used their ownership of the U.S. Federal Reserve System to control the money that is released into society.

By controlling the amount of money distributed every year, the elite are able to control the flow of commerce by lending or not.

The economy of the nation is based on the buying power of the largest corporations.

These are the largest firms in the world, not just in the U.S.

These companies often borrow money from the banks deeply connected to the Federal Reserve in order to maintain daily operations.

Because the elite control the banking system, they are able to control whether or not the companies will get the loans they need.

The elite also loan money to the U.S. government itself, they then charge interest to the government for these loans.

The U.S. taxpayer is responsible for paying back both the principal and the interest on the loans.

The elite would like for Americans to believe it is their own fault the economy is in shambles by blaming poor spending habits by consumers for the weak economy.

The true reason there is a weak economy is because the elite have stopped investing in industrial production in the U.S.

The elite have intentionally manufactured the economic crisis so they can profit from it.

The problem is compounded by the corporate media which is owned by the banking elite.

With the mere mention that a bad economy was developing, the national economy plummeted to levels of spending not seen since the great depression.

In truth, the weak spending is not what caused the economy to go down so much as the elite putting the squeeze on the smaller companies in the market.

They know that by only having large corporations which they control they will more easily be able to dominate the economy of the nation.

Choosing which Business Lives or Dies

The elite bankers have been able to use the current financial crisis to hide the fact that they are supporting certain companies while allowing, even causing, others to fail. They do the same with politicians.

The smokescreen created by the crisis will cause the public to believe the companies are failing because of consumer spending.

The companies remaining are doing so only because the government is supporting them in one way or another.

Because this same elite group controls the U.S. Federal Reserve System, they control which companies will get the funds they need to stay afloat.

Driving the Economy

The elite would like the public to believe they are looking out for social interests when making car companies go before Congress in order to beg for money.

The leaders of the car companies know the U.S. Federal Reserve System is run by the elite and they need the money the elite can provide.

The cars that consumers buy are not enough to support the car companies no matter what the climate of the economy is.

In 2009, they had to plead their case as to why there should be a monopoly for domestic cars in the United States.

Seeing the Future

The elite believe they can predict the future by controlling as many circumstances as possible toward their New World Order.

They have made sure that they control the U.S. Federal Reserve System in order to control who will be able to remain in business.

By controlling the money they not only have the ability to save companies they want to see succeed, but they are able to give them unfair advantages over the companies they would like to see fail.

The elite would like to shape the future through their control over the marketplace.

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