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Verichip 666 will to Take Over Your Life

Verichip 666 to Be Implanted Either in the Right Hand or the Forehead.

Verichip 666 was announced by President Bush as the implant chip on the 6th month of the 6th day, in 2006.

Do you not find that date strange, for there are all those other days in a year why would you choose the one that reads 666 unless you had an underlying message.

Currently there are only two places that the implant will work.

It is in either in the forehead or the right hand.

Every Verichip that is implanted in a human will have a barcode with it.

But did you know that every barcode has a 3 guard bar made up of the number 666?

Trust us – this is not a coincidence, but rather one of those well thought out ideas of the president and his evil mind.

Resistance is futile

Did we not hear a Borg once issue those words on a popular science fiction television show.

These cybernetic beings were interconnected and decisions were made by the hive mind.

While we may not be quite there; however, when it comes to RFID technology you might be shocked to learn that right now prisons and concentration camps are being built for those that refuse to have the Verichip 666 implanted.

Not taking the implant will make you a criminal in the New World Order.

You see resistance is futile and we are not talking about a science fiction movie.

We are talking about your life and the future of this great nation we call the United States of America.

The Government is Lying to Us

The government is lying and the Verichip 666 is all based on deceptions and lies that are presented to us the American people.

The first lie was told back in 2001 when Americans were told that the human implant technology was not going to be pursued.

And look at us know. Today those chips are being inserted into biceps around the country.

Unsuspecting individuals are volunteering to have the RFID implant thinking this is cool technology that can keep me safer, never dreaming that they were being transformed into puppets.

One way these chips are promoted is by being tamper proof and secure but actually it takes a good hacker only seconds to hack the chips which means your identity is at risk of being stolen.

Think about how difficult it would be to have to have a chip replaced because of identity theft. Can you imagine the process?

There is no Risk Involved

Citizens are told there is no risk involved because there is no energy source, therefore they are not dangerous.

Yet they can migrate through the body and they could interfere with MRI’s or other similar technology.

Also a Harvard doctor has research that proves they significantly increase your risk of developing cancer.

Yet the manufacturer and the government denies there is any risk associated with these chips.

But the greatest risk comes from our own government and other leaders around the world who are working together to create the New World Order.

This technology is going to become mandatory in every single person, and it’s going to be used to track and control everything you do.

Remember resistance is futile and you are about to become part of the hive. Now that’s enough to make your skin crawl.

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