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What are the Cons of Domestic Wiretapping?

The Cons of Domestic Wiretapping Will Enlighten on The Powers of The Elite.

The cons of domestic wiretapping are numerous. They far outweigh the pros.

When our right to privacy is ignored, our fundamental rights are all ignored.

You can see our freedoms removed, one by one. All done in an effort for more power and control. The American people can’t stand for it.

We must demand a more limited government. The running of our country is truly meant to be in our hands, not a bunch of political warmongers.

Our leaders are intent on bending us to their will through their scare tactics.

If we agree to our rights being destroyed, we are bending just as they wish.

Standing idly by while our Constitution is shredded is just the same as agreeing.

We must take back our country, stand up for the Constitution just the way our Founding Fathers did.

Now we have even AT&T; joining into the spectacle of domestic wiretapping. NSA joins forces with all those who will forward the plans of the elite.

In fact, AT&T; is part of the elite structure of the Council on Foreign Relations.

They will go along with the objectives to create a manipulated and controlled population.

NSA Wiretapping Americans

Cons of Domestic Wiretapping Include NSA Work

With our National Security Agency claiming exception to any legal process, they get away with such a gross violation of our rights as to make one cringe.

It’s “too time consuming” to get a warrant. It’s too much trouble to get Congress authorization. Generally, the Constitution inhibits their “freedom”.

Well, the NSA’s “freedoms” are much more than that. They are the start of a Big Brother intrusion into our lives and encroaching on our right to privacy.

There can always be excuses for making things go the way they want. Twisting the meaning of liberty is done with minimum effort.

They have the President on their side. So there is the Foreign Intelligence Security Act, or FISA.

Here wiretapping can be done without a warrant in an emergency. They can make anything into an emergency that they care to.

They can make up reports – and often do. Once they have collected our info, they will store it and keep it to use whenever they like.

We have a secret room in the offices of AT&T; that is off limits without high security clearance.

The communications over the Internet flow into this room. So if this room exists, what other “rooms” exist and in what organizations?

And what phones can be tapped with no legal process? Your church? Your family?

While the cons of domestic wiretapping are a scary thing, they are something that must be faced.

We will only end up more and more victimized as the devious plans of the ruling elite come to fruition.

We will have more and more of our rights removed. We will have more and more of our freedoms disappear. We have to stop it.

Solutions to an Oppressed World

To know the cons of domestic wiretapping is a start. Any American must get informed on what the powerful elite have in mind for this country.

You must study up on some of the issues you perhaps avoided in the past. When you find truth, you must spread it.

Together, we can put an end to the plans for a manipulated world.

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