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What Caused the National Debt?

What Caused the National Debt is an Illegal Federal Reserve System and an Irresponsible Government Working Together to Completely Take Control From the People.

What caused the national debt in America?

In short, the irresponsible spending of the government combined with an illegal Federal Reserve that prints money with no oversight or accountability.

Every year, the government spends more money than it takes in.

The $11.2 trillion national debt we are faced with is the accumulation of all the deficits racked up by the government over the past 200+ years, starting in 1791.

The burden of the national debt falls on the American people, not on the government in a situation not unlike that of a troublesome teenager racking up debt on his parents’ credit card, because he knows that he’ll never have to foot the bill.

When examining what caused the national debt, it’s important to note a contributing factor to the deficit each year has been war.

The illegal and unending war in Iraq costs $500,000 per minute, which is $720 million per day, all of which just mounts the national debt higher and higher at the expense of the taxpayer and the benefit of the elite who profit from the war.

Every year, the hard-earned money that taxpayers hand over to the IRS in income tax goes to pay off the interest of the national debt.

That’s right it means there are people profiting from the U.S. national debt by reaping in a percentage of your income every single year.

The root cause is the system of fractional reserve banking which means banks can create new money out of thin air and lend it out, charging interest on it, with only a fraction of the newly created loan amount actually in the bank’s account.

If a bank loans $100, they may only have $10 to back it up, this depends on the current “Fractional Reserve Rate”.

They just create the extra $90 by putting a credit in the account for that amount even though they don’t have the money to lend.

The consumer is enslaved to pay back the full $100 with interest. But that would be mathematically impossible wouldn’t it.

The reason for unending war is that it gives the Fed the ability to create and lend enormous, and exponentially increasing, amounts of newly created debt money to the U.S. Government in order to increase the amount of money in circulation so the Government and the citizens can endlessly continue paying the interest on their own debt.

Who Profits from the National Debt?

Not only is the American taxpayer bearing the burden of the government’s reckless spending, we are also footing the bill for the interest on the national debt.

This means that the moneylenders are reaping massive profits from America’s substantial debt, all at our expense.

So who’s really profiting from the enormous national debt?

The monetary flow in the United States is regulated and controlled by the Federal Reserve.

However, the Federal Reserve is not a government institution, it is a completely separate, private, profit-driven banking system.

By passing the Federal Reserve Act in 1913, Woodrow Wilson granted the Federal Reserve the right to coin or print money, even though this right was constitutionally granted only to Congress, and the money had to backed up by real gold or silver.

The Federal Reserve now creates money out of nothing, which it then lends to the government at interest. Therefore the money is debt as soon as it is issued.

The Federal Reserve’s private shareholders profit from the interest and the counterfeited, I mean, newly created money they created and lent into the national debt.

U.S. History of Central Banking

Our Founding Fathers were opposed to the concept of central banking, because they understood that it led to massive debt upon which a small, powerful elite group of bankers would profit.

Therefore they penned the Constitution to grant the right to print money to Congress.

Ever since, bankers have sought to seize that power from Congress, and they have succeeded, beginning with the First Bank of the United States, which was set up by the Rothschild agent, Alexander Hamilton, in 1791.

It is important to note that the only time the US national debt was reduced to nearly zero was in 1834 and 1835, under the presidency of Andrew Jackson.

Jackson was as opposed to central banking as our Founding Fathers, and he refused to renew the charter of the Second Bank of the United States, even though the president of the bank sought to manipulate its renewal by contracting the money supply and plunging the nation into a recession.

Private Bankers

When examining what caused the national debt, it’s important to take into account that there is a private group of ludicrously wealthy bankers who are profiting from taxpayer money.

Therefore, it is in their best interest to keep the nation in debt, but not in ours.

These bankers, under the umbrella of the Federal Reserve, are getting rich by stealing a percentage of the income of every working person in the United States.

The banking elite behind the government are what caused the national debt, yet they will never be held responsible for it. Take action today by discharging your debt with DTSS.

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