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What Do the Verifiers of Carbon Credits Want?

The Verifiers of Carbon Credits Want You To Blindly Follow The System And Accept The Corrupt Laws And Taxes.

The verifiers of carbon credits are the companies that make money off our ignorance.

These verifiers collect data on how much carbon your business is emitting, and determines how much you need to pay them to make it go away.

If it sounds like extortion, it’s because it is.

A third party company comes to your business and tells you how much pollution you need to pay for or how much you can sell to other businesses who are overproducing.

They are the carbon brokers, the newly formed environmental companies that make a lot of money off your inability to see through the carbon credit scam.

A carbon credit is the government’s way of balancing a non existent problem with an equally as non existent solution.

Global warming no longer plagues the world and carbon has never been a threat to climate change so why not combine the two so that corporations can make money off people who believe the ice caps are going to cover New York?

To verify whether or not someone must pay based on these lies is perhaps the most despicable and audacious position ever produced through the government agenda.

Who are the verifiers behind the carbon credit scandal?

Give Us Your Money

There are companies at work here in the United States like Det Norske Veritas, Carbonflow and SGS.

These companies come to your business and test for carbon emissions.

They inspect your premises, and make an assessment on how much carbon you are emitting into the seriously ill environment.

What gives these companies the right to inspect your business like you’re hiding fugitives in the woodwork?

Not only is this a gross invasion of privacy, but after it all they will bill you for their services and for the amount of money you owe the environment.

That same money will not be used to further free energy research as they claim, but go straight into the pockets of the government.

This is the same government that has been systematically removing your civil liberties as each year goes by.

Verifiers of Corruption

Its for the Environment

“The good news is, we have everything we need now to respond to the challenge of global warming.

“We have all the technologies we need… as they become available and become more affordable when produced in scale, they will make it easier to respond.

“But we should not wait, we cannot wait, we must not wait.”

-Al Gore.

Campaigners like Al Gore would have us believe that these companies are necessary to allow for the smooth transition into restricting and repressing carbon emission flow.

On closer inspection you will find that that this is because he is a verifier himself.

He doesn’t go out and do the work, but he owns a lucrative carbon credits company that buys and sells, using his propaganda for the elite to scare the public, make himself rich and help his wealthy brethren.

Generation Investment Management is fast becoming a favorite among corporations who need to have their carbon emissions checked.

Even as he travels all around the world preaching about the threat of global warming, green businesses are gaining popularity and stocks are souring.

Corruption has many faces, but none as shameless as Al Gore’s.

These verifiers of carbon credits will support the government when Obama’s environmental policies are discussed.

The government will get their foothold on America and the international community, and the corporations will make trillions of dollars off us as we strain to survive in an economic climate worse than it is today.

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