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What is Democracy in the World Today?

Democracy in The World Today Turns Out to be Mob Rule.

What is democracy in the world today as we know it? Is this the government we so heartily desire? Or is this a misleading terminology that fools us day by day?

So often you hear that we must return to democracy. The chants and raves beg for democracy to be respected in the US. However, we weren’t set up to be a democracy at all.

Just repeat the Pledge of Allegiance once to yourself. “…and to the Republic for which it stands…” Yes, we are to be a republic, and we aren’t!

It’s the concept of the democracy vs the republic which has most of us confused and bewildered. A democracy in actual fact ends only in tyranny.

A republic gives us a true nation which is government for the people and by the people in every sense.

In a republic, you have the form of government where the powers are vested only in the people.

The people exercise the power through direct action or via representatives they choose.

In a republic, the individual is free to reject what the majority proposes. He’s not subject to group-think and group-decision.

Democracy VS. Republic

The Farce of Democracy in the World Today

In a democracy, you have a form of government where the body of citizens operates through officials, but the majority rules.

The minority doesn’t have rights except those granted them by the majority. Individuals have obligations to the government. The government doesn’t have obligations except those defined by the body.

So to follow the Constitution, we should have a republic that is completely a representative government, one ruled by law. The law is the Constitution.

We shouldn’t have a democracy that is a direct government ruled by the majority. We aren’t supposed to have mob rule but we do in fact. It’s not for our good.

The powers that be love to promote democracy as the way to govern. This is because our rights can be subverted and manipulated.

The politicians can create chaos with new laws that alter our Constitution. Bad hats can arrive in office and move on their evil agendas.

We no longer have the inalienable rights that we are due. Even Henry David Thoreau said that “there is little virtue in the action of masses of men”.

James Madison said, “Democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property…” Our forefathers never had a democracy in mind.

Yes, democracy in the world today is in action, but it’s not what our forefathers had worked out for us.

We are to be a Constitutional Republic, truly free and in control of our laws, our rules and our dreams.

But the powerful and elite love the idea of a democracy. They love to know they can end up at the top.

Democracies Lead to Strife and Trouble

It’s plain where democracy in the world today has led us. It has taken us away from a republic where authority is derived by the election of representatives who are best fitted to help manage our self-government.

We need a republic where consequences are always fully considered. We need to avoid tyranny and the mobocracy.

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