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What is Real Speech Recognition Info?

Speech Recognition Info Being Kept Quiet to Hide the Nature of the Beast.

Speech recognition info on the surface seems harmless and helpful.

Sadly what we see and what we get are two completely different ends of the spectrum.

American citizens are so hungry for new technology there are people that wait for the release of things like the new iPhone or Net Book as if their lives are not complete without these devices.

We are seeing speech recognition looked at in the same regard.

Is using a keypad or dialing a phone that difficult that we need to resort to speaking to the computer to have it act for us?

We really don’t but this is what the banking mafia does to keep everyone’s eyes away from the prize.

While this world suffers from manmade diseases, hunger, and a crippled global economy we are still seeing the release of things like speech recognition and people are buying into it with no alarm going off asking where is this leading?

Unfortunately for people who are still capable of independent thought things like speech recognition is a scary road to think about, because of the implications and potential it has to be abused and serve the banking mafia’s venture towards a one world government.

Speech recognition info is nothing more than opening your eyes to a world that is more plastic and more artificial than a new pop rock album by Maroon 5.

We are so fast to embrace new technology we never question its integrity.

Cell phones are a perfect example because these devices are basically RFID trackers without the chip.

Everyone having a cell phone with GPS functions gives the banking mafia complete control over knowing where you have been, where you are going, and what you are doing.

Cell phones are great but when is enough ever going to be enough?

When are we going to see that what we think is nothing more than an opinion being told to us from the same people that are causing many of the problems on this planet?

Speech Recognition Info Defined in this Youtube Video

Even though this YouTube video is not aimed at speech recognition in general, this is the pattern that we see for everything else so why would speech recognition be any different?

The answer to this is simple because it’s not any different.

The same issues that are a part of every other technological advancement exist in speech recognition as well.

Speech Recognition info not Being Told to Public

As you read this there are researchers and scientists that are using neuroimaging techniques combined with data mining to study brain activity linked to speech and voice recognition.

This means they are able to interpret through your mind what you have spoken and heard using speech recognition.

This implies we are eventually going to be subjected to being brainwashed on levels only thought of in science fiction movies.

If they can tell a computer or machine what to do and how to act they will definitely try to do that to people.

They already are even if only in an indirect, subconscious, and suggestively subliminal way.

Banking Mafia Will Stop at Nothing

We have all seen just how far the banking mafia is willing to go to manipulate the people of America and the world.

The lie of 9/11 saw upwards of 3000 Americans killed by this private banking cabal and what did they do next; stripped away every civil liberty they could and instigated a War in Iraq the entire world was against.

This pretty much proves the care and good nature of this banking mafia and their criminal actions.

Speech recognition is going to be abused like everything else we are exposed to and if you think this is conspiracy theory than you are a good little puppet that is under control by these monsters of the modern world.

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