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What is the Ford Motor Bailout Plan?

Ford Motor Bailout: Ford has Shuns Help.

Ford Motor bailout consists of the company bailing itself out of the recession.

Chrysler and General Motors have taken large bailout packages from the government and it has only seen the companies ensnared by the government’s nationalization trap.

Ford has courageously decided against taking a federal bailout, opting rather to tighten its belt wherever possible in the hope of surviving the recession.

By avoiding taxpayer money, Ford has also avoided government control.

This government control has already manifested itself in Obama’s request that the GM CEO step down.

Government’s interference in the private sector is an ominous sign of things to come.

The Federal Reserve has engineered this economic crisis, much like it did the Great Depression. The banking elite is the one who will benefit.

The nation is becoming further indebted to elitist bankers through bailouts and stimulus packages.

The Fed creates money from nothing and lends it out at an interest to our federal government.

Ever-increasing debt is ensuring our nation’s enslavement to the elitist Rockefellers, Rothschilds, Schiffs, Walburgs and Morgans, amongst others. Obama is a puppet.

He is controlled by those who fill the ranks of the shadow government, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission and the Bilderberg Group.

Ford is an example of how all American’s should be dealing with the recession.

Ford Motor Bailout: Why Resist?

There has been an undeniable shift in the governance of our country since 9/11.

Civil liberties have come under increasing attack, and government has consolidated more power through the treacherous Patriot Act and the Warner Defense Appropriation Act for Fiscal Year 2007.

Surveillance is increasing on the public and police brutality is on the rise.

We now have a President who is moving increasingly towards complete nationalization and giveaways to the banks

Ford Motor Bailout Resistance & Police State

A police state is emerging in America and the world. The elitist agenda for a New World Order is undeniable.

State interference on behalf of the banks needs to be resisted at all costs.

Ford has already reported a significant loss since the recession began, but the auto company is still resisting taxpayer money.

The route that Ford has decided to take is admirable. The best thing that Americans can do is to tighten their belts and endure the recession.

But with increased government spending and the tendency to nationalize, our country seems destined to impose a different route.

Hopefully Ford will not crumble and resort to a Ford motor bailout. People need to be aware of what is happening during these tough financial times.

Otherwise they will make easy prey for elitist vultures. Citizens need to wake to see that the real capitalist principles are that the state supports the biggest at the expense of working people.

Even the motor company executives are disposable in advancing the fortunes of the wealthiest elite group on the face of the Earth.

The economy is run for them under the US capitalist model to only benefit the biggest fish.

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