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What is the Glenn Beck Opinion on Wiretapping?

Glenn Beck Opinion on Wiretapping Goes Along With The Global Elite Plan.

The Glenn Beck opinion on wiretapping shouldn’t fool you. 

He asks you to name one single conversation you’ve had while our government listened in. 

He asks you to name a single freedom denied while Bush reined. Well, let’s answer that! 

How many phone calls were made on the West coast in the last year? 

AT&T; offices in San Francisco have a little room that collects all calls, emails and Internet activity. 

You could say you couldn’t name a single conversation because you had hundreds. Freedoms denied under Bush? 

When one citizen can be arrested and detained with no recourse to an attorney, that is a freedom every single citizen is denied. 

Glenn Beck is another Bush administration follower, and another pawn in the game of the ruling elite and under the control of the Council on Foreign Relations. 

He has connections to all the big shots who sit on the CFR. 

What are the objectives and who takes part in the plan for globalization and a one-world government?

The wealthy bankers sit at the top and use their power to influence our political leaders (Bush et al) and the media (like Fox News where Beck works) and huge corporations (including Toyota, for whom Beck has hosted events). 

ACLU Fights Wiretapping Approved by Obama McCain and Bush

Glenn Beck Opinion on Wiretapping Goes Along with CFR’s Wishes 

The Council on Foreign Relations, in working forward towards a New World Order, must do a number of things to assure control.

They must be able to track any citizen, spying on their communications, in order to rope in dissenters of their plans.

They have to sway our thoughts in the direction they want them to go. 

The major media corporations sit on the CFR, leading us in forming opinions.

Their bosses dictate what comes into our homes via news programs and magazines.

Time Warner sits in on this council, as does CBS, and many more.

We shape how we look at things through the media, and they know it. They use it to the max. 

The big bankers must control the economy. They already have unlimited power to print money and collect interest as they loan it, through the Federal Reserve.

The Fed is privately owned and in the hands of private bankers. Eventually they will achieve a World Bank with the world economy in their hands unless we stop them. 

They scare the American public in order to have the ability to manipulate them. What are their scare tactics?

National Security is the current ruse. But there is also Global Warming, where they promote a myth with no scientific evidence, so government funds can pile in. They scare us with their created inflation. 

The Glenn Beck opinion on wiretapping is just meant to get us over on the side of the wealthy elite, begging for them to come up with solutions to all our problems.

They engage in illegal wiretapping in the name of security, while happily monitoring Americans living their daily lives. We have to put an end to it. 

Read Between the Lines

Glenn Beck opinion on wiretapping just leads us astray.

When you see Mr. Beck’s connections, you can understand the false viewpoints he puts forth.

He’s just under the influence of those “great” men who want to enslave the world, a one-world union controlled by the international bankers, one where man is no longer free.

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