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What is the Story About Obama and Socialism?

Obama And Socialism Means Income Distribution; What is Really Going On with Obama’s Policies of Economic Plunder. 

Obama and socialism means income distribution.

Little did Joe the plumber know that Barack Obama was just scratching the surface when he answered Joe’s question with a desire to “spread the wealth around”.

The discovery of a 2001 radio appearance by Obama thrust socialism into the national spotlight despite the media’s best efforts to avoid doing just that.

In a Jan. 18, 2001 interview on Chicago public radio Obama talked about the limitations of the Supreme Court and how it had “never ventured into the issues of redistribution of wealth, and sort of more basic issues of political and economic justice in this society”.

Obama said one of the “tragedies of the Civil Rights movement” was focusing on legal remedies and not putting together the coalitions to bring about “redistributive change”.

Obama promised change and we now know what kind …’redistributive’… another word for socialism.

Joe the plumber only got the ball rolling about the true left-wing nature of many Obama policies.

The media’s response was a near-complete unwillingness to take that discussion seriously.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines socialism as “collective or governmental ownership and administration of the means of production and distribution of goods”.

It’s like they ripped that description right out of the Democratic platform: nationalized health care, elimination of private voting in union elections, massive new taxes and ever bigger government.

When Joe Wurzelbacher, the Ohio plumber, challenged the man who would be king, the result should have made to make socialism a subject of debate… but the main stream media didn’t touch it.

Wurzelbacher described Obama’s view accurately, saying “that’s kind of a socialist viewpoint”.

GOP VP candidate Sarah Palin responded appropriately. “Now is not the time to experiment with socialism”, she said.

Joe Wurzelbacher Speaks Out

Pitiful Media Response

The media response was pitiful. A few network stories quoted Palin’s comment or referenced it, but the issue was hardly discussed.

CBS, however, did its part to defend Obama with a ‘Reality Check’ segment on the issue.

The Oct. 21 “Evening News” story deployed Wyatt Andrews in defense of the left. To Gov. Palin, Obama’s plan reeks of socialism. This McCain Web ad calls it “welfare”.

The story followed with a quick ad excerpt and Andrews dodging the “socialism” question.

“The welfare claim is false”, Andrews declared.

But because his story claimed to knock down the welfare claim, it gave the appearance of fending off the socialism accusation as well. It didn’t.

“Hardball” host Chris Matthews showed the ignorance of the mainstream media during his Oct. 20 show.

He asked a guest: “Is socialist a bad word, a naughty word?” Of course it is. Ordinary Americans know that answer.

Some in the media went even further. Kansas City Star editorial columnist Lewis Diuguid claimed even using the word was “an old code word for black”.

That’s in keeping with a regular media theme that any criticism of Obama is somehow racist.

Obama and Socialism and the Media

The Columbia Journalism Review, the most left-wing of the industry publications, ran a snarky critique of the socialism argument under the headline “Journos of the World, Unite!” Ironically, they already have under the Obama banner.

CJR staff writer Megan Garber wrote that ‘there are some basic ways for talking about the socialism charge without giving the charge credence. Garber suggested an alternative.

”In an attempt to appeal to latent fear of the Red Menace, Sarah Palin today accused Barack Obama of harboring socialist leanings…” Or some such.

Obama and Socialism and a Few Brave Journalists

Despite general media censorship of this issue, there are a few courageous journalists willing to address it.

WFTV-Channel 9’s Barbara West took a very aggressive stance with Democratic VP candidate Sen.

Joe Biden and asked whether Obama was a “Marxist”.

Biden seemed stunned that someone in the media didn’t fall down on their knees before their beloved leader.

The Obama camp responded by canceling all interviews with the Florida TV station.

Obama and Socialism and Real Socialism

CNN’s “Lou Dobbs” show gave viewers a needed look at what “21st century socialism looks like”.

Host Lisa Sylvester detailed country by country how real socialism was destroying freedom in the Oct. 23 report.

“In addition to communist stronghold Cuba, Venezuela’s Hugo Chavez has seized assets and set price controls.

In Nicaragua Sandinista leader Daniel Ortega has befriended Chavez and sharply curtailed democratic freedoms”, she explained.

Obama and Socialism that isn’t Spelled Out

Lisa Sylvester’s report shows the true dangers of socialism. Most journalists identify socialism by its worst-case-scenario results like Chavez.

But it can take years to get there. The insidious dangers of socialism aren’t spelled out in neon letters with hammer and sickle.

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