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What is Writ of Habeas Corpus?

What is Writ of Habeas Corpus and Who Does it Protect? “Produce the Body” Can Keep You Free From Wrongful Detention.

What is writ of habeas corpus? Habeas corpus is Latin for “you shall have the body”.

It is a legal action or writ for a person to seek relief from an unlawful detention.

The relief can be for oneself or for another and the writ is a formal written order issued by a court.

What is writ of habeas corpus is answered by stating it is a court order protecting an individual from being unlawfully detained and or harmed by a judicial system and is a means to safeguard an individual.

It is also known as The Great Writ and is a summons by a court to the prison official demanding that the prisoner be brought before the court to allow the court to determine whether the prisoner is being lawfully held and if not then the prisoner is released.

Congress and the Bush Administration

Congress attempted and failed to wipe out the writ of habeas corpus and was barely defeated by a Supreme Court ruling to keep it intact.

Congress during the Bush Administration did a lot to undo the strength and integrity of the Constitution.

We still have many of those government officials around and we all need to keep a very close eye on them.

The shutting down of Guantanamo could manifest in many different ways and the actions of choosing the courts and the release of prisoners has many fragile areas for continued abuse.

The stopping of torture by the CIA has no real system of monitoring the CIA’s compliance to that order and the torture could continue regardless of the new Presidential Order.

The desire to wipe out the Great Writ shows the importance of knowing what is writ of habeas corpus so we can all help protect it and have a legal pathway to seek protection from the court system.

The detainees, even though they are not United States citizens, have the right to challenge their detention in the United States courts and the writ of habeas corpus protects that right.

The emotion of fear or even hatred does not justify tearing down our court system or our republic.

The amendments and laws are there to maintain a balanced and fair system for everyone and to protect us from a president that desires control over compassion.

What is writ of habeas corpus? The answer is one of the ways back to a just and fair republic where the court system is honored and the scale of balance is even.

We must never allow a president to get as out of control as this last one has and never allow our Congress to support the actions of a leader bought by the banking mafia who is leading everyone down a dark path.

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