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What’s Revealed from American Family Stories?

American Family Stories Reveal the Desperation in America Today

American family stories have taken a tragic tone as of recently due to the many factors that are affecting the typical family unit.

Major corporations have placed a great deal of strain on the American family in regards to corrupting the family system and enforcing poor values on the American public.

In addition to this, these corporations are supporting the poor health of the public by pushing pharmaceutical solutions to disorders the elite created to generate profit and control the public.

The government places additional pressure through constant surveillance violating American’s rights to privacy and allowing the corporate elite to manipulate the public by forced drug addiction.

Finally global issues press hard issues of economic failure, environmental failure and political failure on the innocent American enforcing the tragic situations they all face.

With all of these negative influences pressing on citizens, the family unit has all but been destroyed by the government and the corporate elite.

American family stories are slipping from the fun and personal lives of individual families into a crisis affecting the entire nation, overshadowing the family unit.

Corporations Corrupt the American Family Stories

American family stories now reflect a saddened tone that is a direct reflection of the current state of our country.

Efforts by the corporate elite have created a destruction of the family unit dating back to the 1850s.

Parental roles have become clouded in the efforts to promote personal gain and achieve private goals at the expense of the American youth.

As the family separated into its various forms due to separations, divorces and the introduction of new parents, the mental health of the nation began to be weakened as depression and sadness spread across the country.

As this ailment spread across the nation over time it was enforced by the elite through the uses of media outlets such as television, radio, newsprint and the internet.

Children became the responsibility of others as parents focused on their career objectives and the desire to attain everything they want regardless of credit issues.

The American youth was forced to turn to the media and complete strangers to receive their life lessons, resulting in making the same mistakes their parents have made generation after generation.

Values Being Taught by the Corporate Parents

American family stories no longer reflect the wide variety of activities that Americans used to enjoy as a family unit.

They now revolve around parental visits, after school activities and what is happening on the most recent fad of television programming.

Young people watch television programmed to be directed at them that supports sex, violence, crime, pregnancy and drug use.

The elite program the youth through television morals while they keep the parents occupied through working on various career goals and attempting to achieve personal objectives.

This brainwashing of poor morals allows the elite to perform immoral acts on a corporate scale with little public repercussion because Americans have become more accepting of these policies.

America needs to take a good look at how they are ignoring the youth of America because the result will be the continued pattern of ignorance until the populous is under the complete control of the elite.

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