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Where are Biological Weapons Stored at Home

Where are Biological Weapons Stored in the United States and Should You be Concerned.

Where are biological weapons stored in America? The answer to that question might shock you.

In many cases you will find these biological weapons stored where they are being created.

While in some cases this can be a laboratory where they both develop and store their biological weapon creations.

But in far more incidents it’s our hospitals where these biological weapons are actually stored.

It’s also in the hospitals where many of these horrible weapons are created. There’s a little irony there wouldn’t you say?

The place where we go to get well is the same place where weapons that will destroy millions are being invented and stored.

Many government labs are doing duel research, which can lead to very risky situations.

Of course the government would rather we had no idea what was going on in America.

Bush was gearing up and preparing for a biological war, and Obama has taken over where Bush left off.

Ask yourself where are biological weapons stored and are you at risk. You won’t like the answer.

Where are Biological Weapons Stored

911 Lead to Increased R&D; Dollars

The United States has always been and intends to stay ahead when it comes to the production of biological weapons.

But where are biological weapons stored and more to the point, where are they stockpiled, because those locations should be under heavy security.

Military labs, private universities, state universities, and biotech houses around the country are all fighting for research and development dollars from the Federal government to expand their biochemical warfare programs.

How Big is this Testing?

If we look at just one center it will illustrate where the biological weapons are stored is risky and not well protected.

In San Antonio Texas is Southwest Foundation for Biomedical Research.

There you will find 6000+ caged baboons, chimpanzees, and other primates. They get more than $6 million taxpayer dollar annually.

Wait – here’s the worst part. They genetically engineer monkeys and they house some of the worlds most dangerous viruses including Ebola.

They are not the only large facility that’s creating and releasing deadly viruses.

America Hidden Under a Cloud of Secrecy

The CIA and the Pentagon have been doing germ warfare experiments for a long time and not on guinea pigs but on the American people.

For more than a couple of decades they have been conducting tests in the open air exposing millions of us to deadly chemicals and bacteria.

Did you actually think AID was natural or that cancer was a result of something you did.

Children born with deformities, young children dying for no apparent reason.

These are just a few examples of biochemical warfare testing results right in your backyard.

The swine flu is a combination of the bird flu, the swine flu, and a human flu which means it was also created in a lab.

Change is a Coming

The New World Order has long been in the works by the wealthy elite and that takeover includes depopulation.

Biochemical weapons are part of that depopulation plan. Are you prepared for the day when biochemical weapons are released?

Do you have a plan for you and your family?

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