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Who Benefits from Genetically or Modified Foods?

Genetically or Modified Foods are Consumed by Everyone in the U.S.

Genetically or modified foods (GMF) are consumed by everyone without acception..

GMF have found their way into such a long list of common food products that one would indeed need to be a purest, to the extent of avoiding grocery stores, to avoid ingesting them.

The reason GMF is so prevalent is the ease with which the crops behave for the convenience of the farmer corporations.

Modifying crops can make them more resistance to disease, more perfect in appearance, and coincidentally, less tasty.

Since the food presented at grocery stores are the only foods many consumers are aware of, the fact of the lack of flavor may not be in the apparent to the consumer.

With the deterioration of flavor in fruits and vegetables, consumers may prefer the flavor of processed food, which has a satisfying level of salt and sugar to tempt the jaded taste bud.

Nature doesn’t produce processed food. This line of events is a certain boon to the happy corporation.

Not only can the farmer corporations present genetically altered super fruit and super vegetables (although tasteless) to the consumer, they also are setting up the jaded consumer for processed food consumption.

GMF are the cheapest to purchase, and with the help of the US corporation, the consumer has several fronts to battle.

The consumer must work all the harder to earn the money to live the lifestyle that has been dictated by the corporations.

The consumer must make food choices without the information to do this intelligently.

Deciding which apple is GMF and which is organic needs timely detective work on the part of the consumer.

Many consumers have no awareness of the tastiness of natural food.

If the food they purchase that they assume is good for them, is tasteless, they will migrate to the processed food aisle for their injection of sugar and salt.

The jury is still out as to the effects of GMF, and addiction to the GMF is not out of the question.

Would anyone really consider this scenario is out of the realm of ethical behavior by corporations?

Certainly people can alter their thought function and level of energy by modifying the food consumption.

After fresh air, hydration, and sleep, food is the next fuel continually required for a healthy and vibrant human being.

Fresh air is a wild card these days, water can often be a nice soda, sleep is questionable with all the distractions people experience, and if our last fuel, food, is filled with interesting foreign stuff, one can understand why the jaded consumer doesn’t have the energy to do the research.

Enough research has not been done to know the result of GMF.

That hasn’t stopped the production and marketing of GMF.

The public has the support of the US government in researching our food system, but that doesn’t appear to have been as effective as the trusting taxpayer would hope.

The fuel put into bodies is the very essence of the start to creating a functioning human being.

The track record of corporations, and dare we say the Federal government, has not been so good that the consumer can afford to leave the well-being of their loved ones and themselves to either group.

Genetically or Modified Foods

Consumers are indeed in control of the life they will create.

The effort it takes to make conscious decisions becomes what may be called one’s lifestyle.

If those decisions are left to corporations due to consumer preoccupation, what would one imagine their lifestyle would be?

Corporations as Caretakers

If consumers turn over clothing style choices, and car choices to the influence of corporations, the result is only silliness.

However, if consumer’s hand their nutrition consumption decisions to corporations, the result can be lethal.

Genetically or modified foods is profitable business to the producer and scary business for the consumer.

Genetically or Modified Foods VS. Nutrition

The consumer is bombarded with many distractions.

What the consumer chooses to focus on becomes their lifestyle.

GMF is a poor substitute for natural nutrition.

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