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Who Has Propelled Political Corruption Throughout History?

Political Corruption Throughout History Is Deeply Embedded In Government And Religion.

Political corruption throughout history has been intricately and maliciously manipulated by entities of government and religion for centuries; the two are actually very intertwined and related.

However, since the rise of the Roman Empire in biblical times, the process has greatly accelerated and is becoming a lethal toxic force to mankind’s existence as a whole, especially over the last two centuries.

Since the settlement of North America and the inception of the American government and the industrial age, the damage caused by religious and governmental corruption has been in fast forward.

As a result of the political corruption throughout history, the threat of world disaster has become more real than ever partly due to the technology related to the manipulation of atomic fission and the radioactive components of the waste this process produces, considering this waste is highly toxic for many years and that man has no positive way to prevent leakage or mass exposure, not to mention the threat atomic weaponry imposes.

Government and religion have been tools used by the powers in control to manipulate the perceptions of the masses into believing that the processes being used are to their benefit rather than honestly addressing themselves to the dangerous situation they are creating for all of mankind, including themselves.

Political corruption throughout history has been used to fund and disguise the military effort to conquer all in the path who might object to the corporate goal of world power and dominion for generation of wealth, while religion has been used to manipulate the minds of the masses away from the truth and toward a reality that is nonexistent for them, all the while knowing full well the truth themselves.

The church and its hierarchy began back in biblical times as a governmental system to establish law over the citizens of a land, giving the power to a select few who, through conquest or descent, were appointed god over all inhabitants of their realm.

The Roman Catholic Religious Perpetuation

During the period beginning with Roman rule and conquest, a system of census and taxation began so that the rulers could fund their operations by forcibly taking donations from the citizens of their lands.

The Roman Catholic religion was established as the main religious entity back in the day of Caesar and has remained the strongest, most influential governing force since that time, although there have been religious conflicts which have caused division in that entity throughout its history.

Religious political government has caused more wars, death and destruction; become so deceitful and distorted; and has been a tool used to perpetuate fear, doubt, mystery, and lies that it is undeniably the entity manifesting the greatest amount of political corruption throughout history.

Since the Roman Catholic religion established itself as the only true religion and keeper of God’s word, there have been uprisings, deviations, divisions, and excommunications that have caused disruptions, rebellions, and wars on all fronts and the creation of almost all other religious entities worldwide in an attempt to establish a life without tyranny.

Of course, all of this has been to an end of tyranny in and of itself, as each time division occurs, it pits people and nations against each other with the result of more disruptions, rebellions and wars which end in more disaster and strife for the inhabitants of this world.

The Roman Catholic religion has been the cause of many deaths within family units, as one family member is pitted against another for control of the power to rule over realms, ascending to a crown that gives them religious right to power through heredity.

Political Corruption Throughout History Manifest in Government

Beginning in biblical times, a conqueror would appoint himself god over his newly acquired kingdom or descend to the throne through heredity, and as his kingdom grew, he would appoint governmental political entities to represent his godly rule over other parts of his realm permitting them military power to oppress dissenters by whatever means necessary to quell a rebellion.

Many times throughout history people and civilizations have been eliminated, to avoid dissention or conflict within the kingdom, at the hand of the king and his army.

The history of the dynastic monarchies is filled with beheadings, poisoning, sabotage, deceit, military rebellions, and other destructive forces, as different entities try to assert their power and establish a right to take the power of the crown, the crown being the ruling power of government within the realm.

Although the terminology has changed, American government is also a party to this fight to gain control of the highest positions and rule over the realm of its territory and possess the wealth that goes with it, exampled by assassinations, dishonest political dealings, lies, theft, deception, manipulation, cover-ups, and other destructive means throughout its history.

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