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Why Debunk Global Warming?

Scientists Debunk Global Warming Myths. Green Taxation Only Increases Costs for Americans; Climate Change is Not Affected by Such Measures but NWO Control Thrives in Them.

There is a growing movement to debunk global warming, despite claims that the debate is over.

A small, but growing number of scientists has begun to speak out in opposition to the idea that human activity is responsible for climate change.

While they have been silenced in most of the media, the message has gotten out that the debate is not over.

In fact, the debate has only just begun and a new debate is beginning.

There are growing concerns about the companies profiting from the introduction of green technology and their role in global warming science.

One thing no one is debating is the excessive cost of complying with global warming initiatives and mandates.

Many worry the list of requirements will increase and affect both businesses and individuals, so they debunk global warming.

The cost will be too much to bear for the poor, small businesses and struggling industries, which could contribute to economic hardship.

The Cost to the Individual

The cost to the individual in replacing carbon producing products with ecologically friendly green products is expensive.

The organic or healthy version of everything from food to building materials is more expensive.

The cost will be most punitive to the working class and poor. Some fear that proposed carbon emission taxes for businesses may be extended to individuals as well.

The Truth in Economic Terms

Those who debunk global warming point to the huge cost of compliance.

There is a cost to the large economy when faced with quotas, taxes or fines related to carbon emissions.

Carbon emission taxes are on the horizon for American businesses. In the end, the cost will be brought to bear on the consumer and workers, who will feel the squeeze in decreased wages and increased prices.

Kyoto is the treaty written by Vice President Al Gore and adopted by many countries around the world.

It has aggressive goals for reduction in carbon emissions to levels below 1990.

Developing and growing nations such as China and India refuse to sign on, and so far, the United States hasn’t signed on either.

The cost to developing countries will be increased taxes or a reduced ability to become modernized and enjoy an improved standard of living, as is enjoyed in the developed nations of the world.

An Elite Fraud

Those who debunk global warming are working to expose what they believe to be an elite fraud.

Many point to the growing trend toward offering green products for sale. Large corporations are benefiting greatly from the increase in sales.

Because the climate change message is wrapped in guilt, people feel pressure to conform to the new green buying trend. Greedy corporate entities fill their coffers with money from those who can least afford it.

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