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Why Distract with Britney Spears Discography?

Distraction with Britney Spears Discography Allows the New World Order to be Put in Place.

Britney Spears discography and other artists help distract the masses from important issues. The elite in the global banking cabal and multinationals have been working on a plan for one world government for many years.

Former President George HW Bush let the New World Order plan slip in a speech, which caused backlash immediately, so the government backed off and denied the plan.

However, plans for a North American Union were discovered on government websites and leaked, but the story has been largely ignored.

In addition, whistle blowers and friends of those on the inside have come forward with information. One of the more notable sources is film maker Aaron Russo, a former friend of Nick Rockefeller.

Rockefeller told him details of the plan and that people are intentionally distracted with entertainment, such as Britney Spears discography.

Plan for One World Government

Certain seemingly unconnected issues are actually part of a larger plan for domination by the global elite.

Control of education and the mass media is vigorously pursued in order to feed the public with information and ensure they are unable to apply critical thinking to discover the truth.

The Patriot Act and some trade agreements work to erode the sovereignty of nations. Elite influence in the government paves the way for the plan to move forward, unhindered.

Who’s Really Pulling the Strings?

The people behind the New World Order are the global elite in government, banking and multinationals. These are the people really running things through undue influence on governments and control of money and energy supplies.

The New World Order Players

These group includes members of the Bilderberg Group and Council on Foreign Relations and control is the ultimate plan.

An important part of the plan is to keep the people distracted with Britney Spears discography and other junk entertainment.

When the people are distracted and unaware, the criminal international banking cabal can continue with its plans.

Regions and Loss of Independence and Rights

An important part of the plan for a New World Order is the establishment of regions of the world, which erase borders and combine nations.

The European Union is the first step and has already begun to erode the sovereignty of those nations. Plans are underway for a North American Union, which combines the US with Canada and Mexico.

An important step in this plan was realized with the signing of the Security and Prosperity Partnership in 2005.

Once the world has been successfully regionalized, the next stage will be to bring the regions together under the control of the global elite, while the people are pacified and distracted with Britney Spears discography.

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