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Why Federal Reserve 101?

Know Federal Reserve 101 Information So You Can Stand up For Truth and Honesty.

Federal Reserve 101 is just the start of your education. When you know the truth, the truth can set you free. 

Knowing the truth about the Federal Reserve is vital to stand up for your Constitutional rights. 

Article 1, Section 8 of the Constitution says that Congress should have the authority to coin money and regulate its value. 

Instead, in 1913, they handed over this responsibility to an independent body, the Federal Reserve. 

The Federal Reserve Act effectively gave the American public no control over the free market. 

And vested interests pushed it through Congress while most Senators were out on Christmas break. 

It was a carefully disguised program to give bankers control of our monetary system. 

And they have taken advantage of this to the utmost. It wasn’t by chance that all this occurred. 

The House of Rothschild has long had the agenda to achieve the power of controlling world finances.

It seems that the Rothschilds were behind the Morgan empire and control of the J. S. Morgan & Co. passed to John Pierpont Morgan, becoming the J.P. Morgan of today. Big bankers to the extreme and the wealthy elite! 

Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

More on Federal Reserve 101 

Also connected to the Rothschilds is the Warburg family of bankers, who set up the Federal Reserve.

J.P. Morgan’s attorney founded the Council on Foreign Relations while David Rockefeller, head of Chase Manhattan, was the chairman of the CFR.

The intricacies of the connections clearly speak for themselves. 

All dovetails back to the Federal Reserve, where international bankers owning shares in the bank share in the profits.

Since the Fed is privately owned and not supervised by our government to any meaningful degree (except by those already ensconced within the financial conspiracy), we have an institution out of our control. 

While the Federal Reserve is supposed to exist to benefit the American public, it only truly benefits the bankers running it, and their ties.

Collecting interest on the money it prints and lends the US government, the profits are huge.

So when opponents cry that our Constitution is violated, they simply shrug. 

They answer to nobody. They make their own policies. They meet in secret and no one is allowed access to their meetings or the plans.

When you consider that a group of wealthy bankers with a view for more wealth control our money, it’s a proposition that should strike fear into the hearts of any concerned citizens. 

Federal Reserve 101 may not be a pleasant subject to delve into, but it’s one that must be faced.

It’s something that needs action. It is vital that every American step up to the plate to make their voice heard.

Something has to be done and it will only be accomplished by the majority making it happen together. 

What is the Solution? 

Federal Reserve 101 must end with a plea to all Americans everywhere.

The only way to stop our Constitution from being violated, with the printing of money being in private hands, is to abolish the Fed.

Stand up and push through legislation to repeal the Federal Reserve Act. It’s the only way we can win and be free.

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