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Why Save Democracy?

Why Save Democracy When Throughout History it Has Shown to do Nothing but Eventually Lead to Socialism and Then Fascist Rule & Tyranny. Elites Have Control Over Every Game in Town.

To save democracy from the majority rule, we must first understand the differences between a democratic government and a republic.

While they are similar, there are many differences between the two forms of government.

We are forgetting that we were founded as a Republic; our Forefathers wrote the Constitution of the United States and gave us civil rights to protect us from government domination.

Democracy invites tyranny by giving a group of people absolute control with a majority vote, unfortunately, democracy is easily twisted and distorted by the majority rule abusing its powers, and taking away the rights and freedoms of the minority.

We don’t need to save democracy, we have watched throughout history as democracy has led to fascist and totalitarian governments that rule their people through manipulation and military violence, stripping away a population’s will to fight back.

Operating as a republic, people are safe within the confines of the law that is written to protect them, it is written by the people and for the people, not giving a majority the power to abuse so freely and ambitiously.

“Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government’; …whenever things get so far wrong as to attract their notice, they may be relied on to set them to rights.”

-Thomas Jefferson to Richard Price, 1789.

Our government today is completing a system of fascist control, through military violence (The Middle East, Iraq, Afghanistan), and reforming the U.S. Constitution (The Patriot Act, FISA) to meet the needs of the majority rule, in turn, abolishing the republic in which we were founded.

Americans are Under Psychological Attack from Our Government

Americans have such a distorted view of how our political system works, it has become easy for the majority rule to take control and manipulate the system against the minority.

It seems to be the primary function of our government: “We will do what we want, when we want, and you can’t.”

However, many Americans say “save democracy,” and they don’t even know what the properties of a Democratic system are.

Yes it can be made to work, but it has and is going to continue to be a corruptive form of government that has to answer to no one leading us into tyranny.

We Will Never Save Democracy in a Police State

We have the reached the point of no return with democracy, we need to be returned to a republic before the majority takes complete control of us by enforcing RFID implants, 24 hour surveillance, and the practice of biometrics in a “free” society.

Americans are constantly distracted by trivial media and repressed misguided news to keep our eyes away from how this democracy is unfolding in the hands of these elitists.

Having this belief the elected official has some say for the people is a fallacy, if the elected official is a minority, we are all in the same boat.

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