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Your Child Deserves a Complete Homeschool Education for Their Future and the Future of America as You Know It

A Complete Homeschool Education Will Give Your Child The Future The Government Does Not Want Them to Have.

The government Is brainwashing your children to accept a total police state and now is the time for you to give them a complete homeschool education for their own good.

The American public school system is no longer content with teaching your children the basics of reading, writing and arithmetic.

They are force feeding your children their beliefs and showing them that a police state in America is part of normal daily life.

The government of America has shown you through the depression that you are now facing that they cannot run a country yet they are trying to run ninety percent of American public schools, which is why children deserve a complete homeschool education.

Your children are not getting a proper education in the American school system because the government wants it that way.

Government officials know that they will be able to get their plans of world domination past an uneducated population with ease.

They are taking over the school system and force feeding rules and punishments down your children’s throats on a daily basis.

You need to give your child a complete homeschool education now before it is too late and the government has them under their total control.

Today’s school system is the definition of a police state where your children are under the care of a tyrannical government and have little room for the education they should be receiving.

Laws have been passed that allows the government and the armed forces to freely exchange all information they have on your children for future recruitment in the new world army.

They know they will need excessive troops in order to create the police state that they want in America and they have tapped into the education system for their needs.

They are also testing your children’s mental health and most of the time the parents do not even know that their children have been tested.

The government is manipulating you and your children for their own personal needs and brainwashing them into believing that a police state is normal.

When they graduate they will not have a proper education and their only option for gainful employment is to join the armed forces playing right into the government’s plans.

The government ownership of public schools needs to be stopped and the education of your children needs to become your main goal.

The Re-Education System of America (Formerly Known as “Schools”)

The Future of America

The government has already began their plans for the future police state in America.

They have hundreds of prisons which they have created to keep anti-government citizens when their plans come to fruition.

Your children are becoming just one step in their plans for world domination and they are training and recruiting them in the school system that is becoming mandatory in the United States.

Education Your Children for Their Future and the Future of America

Now is the time that all children in America need a complete homeschool education for the future of freedom in America.

Parents need to take the education of their children into their hands and stop the government’s attempts to brainwash them into submission.

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