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U.S. Health & Human Services NEVER Performed Vaccine Safety Testing as Required by Law

U.S. Health & Human Services NEVER Performed Vaccine Safety Testing as Required by Law

I don’t know how any person in their right mind would still vaccinate themselves or their children after this EXPLOSIVE truth bomb. U.S. Health and Human Services NEVER performed Vaccine Safety testing as required by Law.

Big Pharma vaccine safety testing lasts only four or five days.

Thanks to the remarkable legal work being done by Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., Esq. and Del Bigtree, we finally have proof via FOIA documents that HHS has defaulted BIG TIME regarding the safety of vaccines. HHS has never given Congress the safety testing records the law and Congress required because HHS never performed them in 32 years! The 1986 vaccine law mandated HHS to perform safety studies every two years and render the results to Congress.

That default by HHS/CDC/FDA should be the very reason for rescinding the 1986 vaccine law.  Informed consent regarding vaccines/vaccinations should be mandatory for those who want vaccines; provide automatic vaccine exemptions for those parents and individuals who do not want vaccines. What those FOIA documents produced is undisputable evidence of HHS not doing its Congressional mandate regarding vaccine safety and obeying the law.

Dear Dr. Holtrop and AAP: “I Don’t Know” and “Just Following Orders” Are Not Acceptable Positions for Pediatricians on Vaccine Contents and Vaccine Risk

DR. TERESA HOLTROP, the Michigan Director of the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), recently testified in a case in Michigan in which a mom objects to vaccination based on two points:

(1) She is religious, and does not want to have products made cells derived from aborted fetuses injected into her daughter, and

(2) She is concerned that her daughter may be at increased risk of adverse events due to the very high penetrance of autoimmune disorders in her family.

Holtrop was brought to the case as a witness for the father, who claims he wants his daughter vaccinated.

Holtrop admitted that cells from aborted fetuses are used in vaccines (if there is any doubt in your mind, see this: Fetal-DNA-in-Vaccines-Utah-June-3-2017 and watch this:

Holtrop also revealed that she does not have a sufficient amount of knowledge about vaccine risks and vaccine injury. She testified that she is not an expert on vaccine injury, and that she gets her information about vaccines from the CDC website.

The fact that the Director of one of our 50 states’ chapters of AAP does not know what she should know about vaccines is disturbing. The fact that Dr. Holtrop has been denying her patients informed consent for over 20 years is unacceptable.

What’s most amazing is that parents have entrusted AAP, by entrusting their own pediatricians.

Parents are experiencing hostility from any pediatrician who is challenged on their knowledge of vaccine risk. Some do not even know that thimerosal, which contains mercury, is in the flu shot. Or that they should hand the CDC’s Vaccine Information Sheets to parents PRIOR to vaccinating the child, and wait for them to read it, and then only vaccinate if the parent gives their consent.

Dr. Holtrop’s testimony provides ample evidence that pediatricians don’t know much about vaccine risk.


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