Awakening in the Zombie Apocalypse
I find it to be fascinating that when you start to wake up to the truth, on whatever level that may be, you really see society and the world for what it is. It feels like a social experiment. When you try to awakening those around you or in your online network you will hear the same reactions over and over again. So much so that you feel like you just woke up in a bizarre iRobot sci-fi movie.
When the walls we have built in our minds come crashing down (belief systems) it can seem very unpleasant at first. Cognitive dissonance can be tough to overcome at first. You start to question your existence and what the hell are we doing on this rock in this dimension of space-time? What does this mean? What is our purpose?
To get up at the same time every morning and rush off to the same place every day? Why are people always in a hurry to get to the same place they were in a hurry to get yesterday and will be in a hurry to get to tomorrow as well? Seems to me we’re like mice on a wheel. We have accepted this as the norm.
When I first started really grasping that basically everything I ever knew was a lie I don’t think I said much for a couple days. Stared at the wall contemplating my existence. We all have that tipping point that takes us from being somewhat skeptical to grasping how deep this rabbit hole really goes. I like to call that tipping point my “Holy Sh*t Moment.” I’m sure most of you can relate.
Whether the topic you are looking into is the banking system and how the Federal Reserve operates, the military-industrial complex, 9/11, UFO’s, the Illuminati and more, it will keep leading you down the same path to the same groups pulling all the strings. An agenda that is so compartmentalized and structured so secretively it simply boggles the mind of the average American.
We tend to think it sounds too massively complicated and too much effort involved to keep up that level of deception. We tend to think we’re too smart to be fooled that badly. We’ve been given a nice dose of indoctrination to give us this false sense of superiority because we may have it better here than others on the other side of the planet. We’ve equated what we believed to be as “freedom” with intelligence.
That if we are the greatest country on the planet (which has been shoved down our throats), then we must have the best and most accurate knowledge and way of life. Once you’ve subscribed to all of that it’s very hard to break programming. Our ego’s get in the way. That does not mean we’re all a bunch of egomaniacs. No matter how pure-hearted someone can be, we all have egos.
‘It’s easier to fool people than to convince them that they have been fooled.
-Mark Twain
It’s part of the human experience. It is only when you learn to shed that and put yourself in check that you will be able to open your mind to limitless possibilities and really expand your consciousness. See things for what they really are, good and bad.
Since the truth isn’t all butterflies and fairytale endings some people choose to ignore it and stay within the limits of their walls of the mind. Allowing fear of the unknown to control their human 3d experience in this game called life. The solutions to the world’s problems won’t come from bombs or violence. The solutions are going to come from expanding consciousness.
When we accept that what we are taught as truth without question and some things the powers that be told us are unknown, we may shut our minds off to new evidence and information that can push humanity forward in such a massive way that would have a profound effect on every soul on earth. We’re essentially enslaving ourselves.
Take the red pill, Neo. Don’t be afraid of the rabbit hole. It may seem dark and scary at first but keep going and you’ll find many of us there waiting for you on the other side shining the light. If you feel alone and no one in your circles are “woke,” don’t let it get you down. It just means you are holding the light for all of those around you still asleep.