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Blog Category: Education

The Declaration of Independence Values Define Freedom. The Declaration of Independence values define the freedom people now enjoy. The intent of the document was fairly straight forward; it was to announce their freedom from the tyranny of England, why it was being proclaimed, and to declare certain rights which should be free to all. Written

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Democracy in Todays World is the Biggest Lie Told to the American People. When individuals are discussing democracy in today’s world there can be very different meanings to this one phrase. Democracy has a very distinct and well explained meaning and the true meaning of the word should be used in all instances and cases.

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The Civil Liberty Issue Is Important For Each Person Know About And Be Concerned About. As an American citizen, do you want the government to have the right to invade your privacy at any time they would like to? Most likely you do not like this possibility. If there are laws enacted to so that

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Democracy and Education Should Work Together. In the “No Child Left Behind Act” Our Children Are Left Unthinking and Ready to Become Indoctrinated Slaves for the NWO. Americans are fighting for a democratic country, one where democracy and education are heralded as fundamentals of our American backbone. The flip side is Americans need to be

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They Define Eminent Domain to Benefit the Few. When someone asks the government to define eminent domain, they rarely get a real answer. The government has proven it does not want to limit itself in the strict use of this power. If it were to define it, it would then limit the process options. Eminent

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Understanding the Credit Score Explanation. Trying to get a full out credit score explanation can be a lot like trying to figure out how they get the soft flowing caramel into the caramel bar. But that doesn’t mean your credit bureau doesn’t owe you a full explanation when it comes to your credit score but

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