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Blog Category: Education

Jobsite Biometric Time Clocks Have Recently Been Considered for Use in Our Schools, Forcing Teachers to be Scanned as They Enter or Leave Their School Site- NWO. Employers see jobsite biometric time clocks as a basic necessity in the workplace. Instead of using a basic sign in sheet or punch card, employees have to scan

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Ideological Indoctrination is a Central Strategy of the  Banking Mafia Who Uses the School System to Teach Students to Become Adults Who Follow Direction Without Question. The banking mafia would like to use ideological indoctrination in order to get you to believe that you need to support the government regardless of the message. The banking

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Illiteracy in the American Education System is Rampant. One in every twenty adult Americans cannot read a simple sentence written in plain English. It is not only illiteracy in the American education system that should have people worried. In fact, according to United Nations statistics, the United States never even enters the top twentieth percentile

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To Homeschool Children is a Growing Choice for Parents.  Parents may choose to homeschool children, but before you make that decision there are some things that you should consider about homeschooling.  First consider your motivation for wanting to homeschool.  And then consider what your goals are and what you want to accomplish by taking your

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Interesting Homeschool Facts You Probably Didn’t Know.  Homeschooling is becoming a very popular alternative to traditional classroom education in the United States.  With more and more public schools losing funding and as a result losing teachers, losing resources, and adding more and more students to already crowded classrooms, many parents are concerned that their kids

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Homeschool 101 is a Quality Alternative to an Underachieving Public School System. Parents Are Able to Intertwine Desired Family Values With Individualized Instruction. Homeschool 101 is becoming a popular alternative to educating children. The public school system has accomplished little indeed with respect to quality individual instruction, and many parents simply want greater control over

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