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Blog Category: Globalization

Global Positioning System Watches Help the Government Keep Tabs on You. Global positioning system watches are the latest rave for anyone who runs, hikes, swims, or enjoys the outdoors.  They’ve come a long way in a short time.  Now they can track your exact speed, the distance you cover, your route, and lets not forget

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Global Positioning Systems History is The History of Your Rights Dissolving Technological history, including global positioning systems history, usually begins in the military world. When the Soviet Union sent up the Sputnik satellite, a terrified United States ordered the Department of Defense to create the Information Processing Technology Office, to developed the transmission of data

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A Global Positioning Watch Pinpoints Your Location at All Times. The Big Brother Police-State Has Wired Every Corner of Our Lives With Technology to Invade Privacy. Global positioning watch system technology is being used by the government of the United States to monitor the people of the country and all of their movements and destinations.

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Globalization and Media Involvement Means the End of the Common Man. Globalization and media involvement have an impact far greater than most people realize as the media works to shape the ideas people have, not only about globalization, but about the other issues in the world as well.  The medias obvious slant toward globalization is

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Government Hammer Swine Flu Spread Into Our Heads.  With last month’s outbreak of the influenza A H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu, governments, media and corporations around the world have been hyping up the potential effects of this disease.  Comparing it to the 1918 influenza outbreak, the media takes the news and hammer swine

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How Global Positioning System Automotive GPS Signals the end of Privacy in your Car. The global positioning system automotive GPS is a prime example of a poison pill present from the U.S. Government to the citizens of the United States. The system that was developed by the Department of Defense, is controlled by the U.S.

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