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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

Was the Government Behind Swine Flu? The latest swine flu epidemic (aka H1N1) was a questionable event, to say the least. From pretty obvious governmental over-reaction on the national, international, and even global scale was a pretty good indication that it was more than just a little outbreak of something unusual. The deaths in Mexico

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Take a Closer Look at the Future of the American Family. If Revolution is to Happen in Our Country, Family Units Must be Strengthened to Stand Against NWO. When the future of the American family is the subject of discussion, one word that comes up time after time is uncertainty. If left to their own

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There Are Absolutely No Genetically Modified Crop Benefits. A search for genetically modified crop benefits will be futile, because they do more harm than good.  The proponents of GM crops claim that GM food is better tasting, more nutritional, and has the ability to feed more people due to higher yield.  These claims are either

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Government Hammer Swine Flu Spread Into Our Heads.  With last month’s outbreak of the influenza A H1N1 virus, also known as swine flu, governments, media and corporations around the world have been hyping up the potential effects of this disease.  Comparing it to the 1918 influenza outbreak, the media takes the news and hammer swine

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Health Care Activism Promotes Much-Needed Reform. Health care activism is one of the most important civic duties that American citizens today can undertake.  The health care system is in dire need of reform.  The system is inherently flawed when the people who can afford to pay for it get health care, while low-income people who

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Genetically Modified Tobacco Creates a Magic Cigarette That is Harmless to Humans and Has Actual Health Benefits. Big Tobacco Corporations Wouldn’t Lie, Would They? The tobacco industry is working diligently to produce genetically modified tobacco (GMT). The tobacco industry has a well established history of concern for profit above their customer’ welfare. Is it possible

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