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Blog Category: Health & Wellness

The Truth About Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation and Drug Recalls. Novartis Pharmaceuticals Corporation has to recall many of their drug products.  When it’s found a drug is creating more problems than it’s worth it must be recalled.  And although having drugs recalled is common all over the world, Novartis seems to have had more than its

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For Your Medical And Mental Health: Who Really Gets To Choose And Decide? What an earth-shattering thought-provoking inquiry-driven probing and laden question?!  Could medical and mental health practices, agencies and legislation initiatives be or result in a loss of rights and freedoms?  How much do you value your individual, social, specific, overall rights and freedoms?

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Mobile Phone Radiation Protection: Is it Possible? Right now, mobile phone radiation protection is necessary to provide any possible protection from the radiation that flies off of cell phones. Radiation protection is almost useless because of the fact that cell phones are used by over 4 billion people and cell phone towers cover most of

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Secret Methods for Sterilization are Wrong. Involuntary and illegal methods for sterilization are happening almost every day unknowingly to citizens of the U.S.?  Did you know that George W. Bush illegally authorized sterilization of Native American citizens?  Evidence has been surfacing for decades over illegal plans to sterilize those not fitting the picture for the

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Mental Health Assessments are Not Accurate and are Not Intended to be Accurate.  Mental health assessments are intended to give a true picture of a person’s mental and emotional well-being.  There are many mental diseases like dementia, anxiety, depression, stress, phobias and panic attacks that can affect different people in different ways.  These diseases are

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The Mobile Phone Mast Health Risk Has People up in Arms. The mobile phone mast health risk is very real.  This system, called TETRA, or Terrestrial Trunked Radio, is being established throughout this country and the world.  Reports come in about the health dangers of the radiation emitted.  However, what isn’t talked about as much

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