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Blog Category: History

The Nixon White House Tapes are Evidence of the Illegal Activities Carried out by the Nixon Administration. The Nixon Tapes from the Watergate scandal point to the most shocking and complex web of political scandals between the years 1972 to 1974. Nixon White House Tapes refer to the audio recordings of the conversations between former

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Purpose of Mortgage and Bailout Plan is to Put the People at the Mercy of the Government. When Barack Obama came into office, he did not waste any time in getting the mortgage and bailout plan together. He tried to convince Americans that his plan would make the difference in the economy and it would

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New Jersey Supreme Court was Approached Concerning Obama’s Original Birth Certificate. The New Jersey Supreme Court system does not feel that the allegations that Barack Obama is one that they should take seriously. Philip Berg was the first attorney in New Jersey that posed this possibility of him not being a natural born U.S. citizen

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All Around America a New Tea Party Represents Renewed Commitment to Ameican Independence from Unfair Taxes. In 1773, 150 patriots boarded three ships that belonged to the East India Tea Company and dumped hundreds of cases of tea into the Boston Harbor.  This was no act of vandalism.  It was a deliberate act of civil

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The Milwaukee Tea Party Seemed Trivial Because Local and National News Conveniently Dismissed It As Such. The Milwaukee Tea Party held on April 15, like so many others around the nation, had their message warped by so called “sympathetic” news casters and politicians. The Tea Party Movement is first and foremost about our rights as

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What are the Main Causes of American Revolution. Main causes of American Revolution are the lies and manipulation that is being instilled upon the American populace every single day with every breath we take. We are reaching a point in time like no other this world has ever seen, an elite wealthy banking cartel has

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