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Blog Category: History

With Prior Knowledge of September 11, The Bush Regime Had Its Own Reichstag Fire to Help Usher in Draconian Legislation Like The Patriot Act. The September 11 attacks on New York City, the Pentagon, and the subsequent crash of the hijacked flight in PA shocked and horrified the world.  For many Americans the attacks, and

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The Private Health Care Online Can be Used as an Informative Portal to Understand the Medical Agendas and Contrivances of the State. The methods of private health care online is nothing different from the health care we get in hospitals because it also guides us to the ways of health care that the government has

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Is Waterboarding Death Justified or is it Just an Excuse to Control us? The U.S. legal system ensures that everything is completely fair and that everyone is entitles to a fair trial. That’s all well and good in America however it’s not happening in our secret jails that are located all over the world. Waterboarding

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Creation of Tenure Makes it Virtually Impossible to Wrest American From Stranglehold of Utopian Idealists. Without tenure, the ivory tower elites would have been thrown out the moment their students were unable to learn properly. In fact, the entire tenure system makes a mockery of all the money taxpayers sink into the education system in

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U.S. Espionage and Intelligence is Now Being Outsourced to Private Contractors. U.S. espionage and intelligence involves gathering information that is considered to be confidential and sensitive to the American government. For the most part espionage operations are covert and one government intelligence agency may not know what the other is doing. Throughout American history, intelligence

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How U.S. Monetary System Got Started. During colonial times, coins from different European countries were used and circulated throughout the colonies. Spanish coins were the dominate currency and because of the scarcity of coins, most of the trade and commerce was accomplished by bartering and trade. Commodities such as rice, tobacco, animal skins, and rum,

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