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Blog Category: History

In Modern Day America the Quest for Independence Continues. In modern day America the quest for independence continues. It would seem that there is always going to be something that will try to keep the people from rising above mediocrity. Before the nation was formed it was the monarchy and aristocracy that kept the masses

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Religion and the Founding Fathers… the Questions Continue on. Are Church and State Really Separate in the U.S.? What part did religion play with the founding fathers? Christians have always taken pride in the fact that our country was formed around Christianity beliefs. Take a moment and study the founding fathers and you will start

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The Public Misunderstands the Fed Because of the Non-transparency of Its Actions. This Group of Criminal Bankers is Intentionally Deceiving Us. The public misunderstands the Fed and its function in our so-called democracy. This misunderstanding is not entirely the public’s fault. When the media speaks of the Fed it implies a reference to a number

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Qualities of a Leader: Obama Used by Banking Cabal to Deceive the Masses. Some of us may think that President Barack Obama exhibits all the qualities of a leader. He has the ability to inspire confidence in the masses with his skillful rhetoric and charm. However, his air of confidence is nothing more than a

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Looking at the Positive Leadership Qualities of Today. Not so long ago, even as recent as the 1950s, the qualities of a good leader were simply defined as being a person of honor, integrity, and a good understanding of those who were being lead. This has changed dramatically in the past few years, though the

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Political Corruption Throughout History Is Deeply Embedded In Government And Religion. Political corruption throughout history has been intricately and maliciously manipulated by entities of government and religion for centuries; the two are actually very intertwined and related. However, since the rise of the Roman Empire in biblical times, the process has greatly accelerated and is

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