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Blog Category: Media & Information

Which States Allow Wiretapping is an Unimportant Issue When One Recognizes That Our Federal Government Has the Means to Spy on Any Citizen at Any Time. Which states allow wiretapping is a mute point when federal law allows the wiretapping, or recording, of phone calls and all other forms of electronic communication. Any state restrictions

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Who Cares About Entertainment Music News? Entertainment music news does a good job of distracting the masses from what really matters. If the average reader was able to avoid the latest flashy news report covering the newest fabricated star, then he or she might tune into what is actually happening in this nation. The rights

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Farrah Fawcett Illness Given More Media Coverage Than $1 Billion Stimulus to Fund US Police State. Farrah Fawcett illness. given more consistent media coverage than the disturbingly large sum of money allotted to advance the US police state. This is the sad state of our media today, it allocates more coverage to one celebrity’s battle

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Face Recognition Software Can Track You Anywhere. George Orwell’s masterpiece of science fiction, politics, and society, 1984, offers us a glimpse into the not-so-distant future of oppressive government control.  One of the most disturbing aspects of this very possible future is the constant surveillance that Big Brother enacts on the entire populace.  The protagonist, Winston

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When Online Surveillance Monitors the Internet Activities of Activists People Become Frightened to Protest Against Their Government. When online surveillance becomes more widely known among American citizens perhaps it will become more of an issue then it is now. Very few people realize the extent to which Internet surveillance is practiced, particularly as it was

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Exposing Various Facts on IG Farben by Viewing Videos and Reading Quotes. Looking at facts on I.G. Farben through quotes and videos “Before the war (WWII) Standard of New Jersey (controlled by the Rockefellers) had forged a synthetic oil and rubber cartel with the Nazi-controlled IG Farben, prompting official claims of treason in the United

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