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Blog Category: Military Industrials

As You Ask, Are Chemtrails Poison From Above, Consider the Abundance of Evidence Which Supports a Yes Answer. Lines in Our Skies Aren’t Contrails Like the Govt. Says. Are Chemtrails poison from above? There are a great many ideas out there on what exactly Chemtrails are and what their purpose is. Some people are convinced

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The Worst Case of 20th Century Genocide Occurs In Rwanda While the World Watches. Elites Have Indoctrinated the Masses to Accept NWO Mass-Murder! Which case of 20th century genocide is the worst could be hotly debated, but we are going to look at Rwanda and the massacre that happened. It was 1923 when Rwanda was

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Removal of Habeas Corpus and Terrorism are Part of a Grand Design. 9/11 Created an Excuse for Elimination of Our Most Crucial Right to Stop Illegal Imprisonment by Gov. In today’s ever changing world, Habeas Corpus and terrorism are two concepts that clearly illustrate how an attack on civil liberties is taking place. Our government,

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Civil Rights and Liberties Are Under Serious Attack. Without Our Basic Freedoms as Afforded by Constitutional Law, We Are Stripped of All Means by Which to Fight NWO. Our civil rights and liberties have always been under threat and challenged, but never more so than in these times as the war on terrorism is the

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At Jekyll Island in 1910, Seven Men Changed The History of the United States. It was at Jekyll Island in November of 1910 that seven wealthy and influential men secretly met to discuss a plan that would change the American financial structure.  The meeting was so secret that these seven men took precautions to hide

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Where is the Application of Biometrics Taking Us? Is Orwellian, “Big Brother,” Type Control Already Here in the Form of Today’s Technological Tracking? The application of biometrics has been with us for some time and is now finding many applications within and outside the government. The technology is rapidly and probably currently exists somewhere near

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