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Blog Category: Solutions

People Must Bypass Censorship Efforts to Remain Free Human Beings and Not be Turned Into Slaves. Removal of Knowledge From the Culture is a Sign of NWO Agendas. People realize they must bypass censorship efforts so they can live in a country that is free instead of a country that is controlled by government. Government

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We Are Living Beyond Justice and the Constitution in the United States Today. The Time Has Come to Stand up to the Global Elite and Say no to Their New World Order Regime. For those who have not faced up to it, the United States is beyond justice. At the root of all the troubles

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Providing Honest Support for Single Parents is Not a Priority for the Ruling Class Elite; They Want Broken Families, Distracted and Dependent on false Elite Programs. There is not much monetary support for single parents. They often have to work hard to keep the family housed, fed and clothed with no financial help from the

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Why Save Democracy When Throughout History it Has Shown to do Nothing but Eventually Lead to Socialism and Then Fascist Rule & Tyranny. Elites Have Control Over Every Game in Town. To save democracy from the majority rule, we must first understand the differences between a democratic government and a republic. While they are similar,

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People Who Seek Truth Must Expose Secret Societies. Government is Supposed to be in Broad Daylight, but Elite Rulers in Dark Rooms Run the World for Their Profit. We must expose secret societies! For centuries they have been in existence, quietly pulling the strings behind the politicians and monarchs and controlling the events of the

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Solutions to World Overpopulation Are Easy Because it Doesn’t Exist; World Has Room and Resources Enough for All People, Not Just for the Wealthy NWO Elites. One of the most horrendous arguments pertaining to solutions to world overpopulation took place on January 22, 2009. On that day, President Barrack Obama rescinded the previous administration’s executive

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